Tokiya×Otoya - Roulette

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My heart is burning ...and singing. Why is it?
A painted future, this sky is soaring!
Can I fly to the sky?

Can I get my dreams come true? Come on,
Place your bets!
Risk everything!

"Tokiyaa~" Tokiya sighed, he have been used to whom the squeaky voice belong to. That voice that he sometimes hate yet he can't ignored. It feels like he's the big brother that is taking care of the young. Well, no one can blame him, unlike the others the little red-head is often lonely, being an orphan and all.

"What is it, Otoya?" he asked the young red-head. "Nee, nee did you figure out where we should perform our duet?" the cheerful red-head said. "No, why?" The bluenet answered. "Well, if you don't have can we please perform somewhere near the orphanage?" Otoya begged him with puppy eyes.

It's becoming so hot that my heart hurts
It's not a bad feeling, though. I'll make you understand!
I won't hand over these feelings!

Tokiya stare at Otoya's puppy eyes. Tokiya didn't know how he felt about Otoya. Sometimes, he see him as a friend; at other time he see him as a brother. While the other times, even he didn't know how he feel about him.

Growing up! Hurrying towards a dream!
We'll search for an irreplaceable tomorrow!
Feelings that make me want a smile to bloom
Believe in me, and then you'll see! I promise you!

"May I ask why do you want to perform at somewhere near the orphanage?" Otoya was taken aback by Tokiya's question. "Um, well I want to show the senseis there to what have I grown to.

"After all, the orphanage is my home. It might not be perfect but... I grew up there and, and I want to make sensei proud of me. I want to share my dreams with the kids there." He said. His face turn to a sad expression, without noticing a tear drop on his face.

Raise the future! The roulette game's beginning to turn! Red of black, which do you choose?
We'll play this song of fate!
We won't lose! Rivals song

Tokiya's eyes widen. He didn't expect Otoya to cry. Using the palm of his hand, he wipe his tear away. "Hey, don't cry. If you want to do the duet at somewhere near the orphanage I don't mind, okay?" "Really?" Tokiya nodded.

"Arigatou, Tokii!" He said and hug the older male. Tokiya chuckled and pat his head. "Nee, nee can I treat you on a cup of hot choco today!?" Otoya said. Tokiya look at him. "Pwease Tokii!" Otoya begged with a cute tone and of course his puppy eyes.

Tokiya sighed, "Fine, let's go." "Yeay!" Otoya cheered and skipped out the room while humming a tune.

My heart is diving ...and rising with love!
This guiding music's entirety will become a rainbow!
I'll go to the next one!

Tokiya and Otoya sat down at a nearby café. It was a calm evening, suitable for some relaxation. The two didn't say a word, they just stare out the window enjoying the peace while it last.

I'll try for it all! Come on,
Let's run through
That door ahead!

"Nee, Tokii." Well, there goes the peace. "What is it, Otoya?" "What is your best moment with STARISH?" Tokiya turn his gaze to Otoya who is already staring at him, looking for an answer. "I don't know," Tokiya shrug. "Aww, Tokii there must be a moment you want to treasure forever right?"

Tokiya think hard "I guess the best moment with STARISH is when we perform at the UtaPri award. We perform full-heartedly, together for our fans and supporters. I guess that's the best moment." "Tokii, that's so deep!" Tokiya chuckle "Everything is so deep for you Otoya. You asked me, how about you?" Otoya blink his eyes, then smile widely.

What will be at this road's end?
Where the light is excitedly waiting unseen!
Let's begin this story!

"Everyday with STARISH is the best moment for me! I get to spend time with everyone everyday!" He said cheerfully. "Otoya.." "But personally, I like it that you guys dress up as Kuma-chan just for me!" After he said that he burst out laughing, Tokiya snicker.

"Man, I should have take a picture." He said while wiping a tear from the corner of his eyes. "Natsuki did a great job by forcing you guys to dress up as Kuma-chan," he continue. "If we didn't do, he will probably chase us till the end of the earth." Tokiya said causing Otoya to laugh again.

Jumping up! Onto a seven-colored stage!
I want to see everyone soon!
Shining like a star in the night,
This feeling is the strongest! My love for you!

They get up and started to walk back to the Master Course. Otoya put his hand in his pocket and found a coin, he took it out and start to toss it. Tokiya just look at his roommate's action. Otoya stop and cover the back palm of his hand with his other hand, the coin underneath it.

He stop walking "Tokiya, heads or tails?" "Tails," "Okay I choose heads, if you win we will go home; but if I win we will go somewhere else." Tokiya shrug "Whatever,"

Shoot a coin! Give it a toss! Good luck! Heads or tails, make your choice!
My goddess of music is smiling!
Let's play a game! My dear friends!

Otoya pull his hand back, revealing the coin. "Hah, heads! I win!" Tokiya puff his cheek "Mou, where do you want to go? Its almost 9 O'clock." "Hihi, Tokiya I win so you must listen to me!" Otoya said and took Tokiya's hand and drag him somewhere.

Growing up! Hurrying towards a dream!
I want to send all of this to the world!
I've realized we're tied together by something
Believe in me, and then you'll see! I promise you!

They stopped at a wide field, around it was huge trees that have blooming flowers. "Wahh, kirei da yo! I always want to come here but I didn't know it was this beautiful!" Otoya said as he let go of Tokiya's hand.

Tokiya too admire the beauty of the nature, even at night the trees stood beautifully. "Tokiya, can I ask you something?" "Sure Otoya." "What will happen if STARISH disbanded?" Tokiya look at his roomate, his face bearing that sad expression he rarely have.

Raise the future! The roulette game's beginning to turn! Red or black, which do you choose?

"Otoya, where did that come from?" "Well, y'know its not like we will stay young forever. Eventually we will grow up and retire, and then what will happen to STARISH? Will we disappear just like that?" He said.

Using his arm, Tokiya headlock Otoya. "Ite, i-itai yo Tokii." Otoya whined. "Say something ridiculous like that again and I'll make it hurt more." "What!? No,no,no! Let me go! Let me go, Tokiya!" Otoya try to break free from Tokiya.

"Its true that we will get older, but right now let us enjoy ourselves while we are still young. Its not like STARISH would disband anytime soon." Tokiya said. Otoya pout "Okay, fine. Let me go now!" "Nope, I'll drag you home myself." Tokiya said and he did drag him home, still headlocking him.

Even though we recognize this bond,
We won't lose! Rivals song!

"Tokiyaa~ Let me go!" Otoya continue whining. Tokiya didn't mind him, he just continue to drag him. Somehow, Otoya manage to break free from Tokiya's grip. "Hah, I'm free!" He said and ran away from Tokiya.

"Otoya!" Tokiya shouted and chase Otoya. They continue chasing each other till they reach the Master Course. That's their routine, the red-head being the genki one while the bluenet being cold at certain times but caring at other times.

Being the exact opposite of each other they still have a great bond. Be this bond a brotherly bond or a friendly bond, they knew this bond won't break anytime soon.


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