Ai×Syo - Hibikase

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{Pairing: Ai×Syo (SyoKaze)
Song: Hibikase by Hatsune Miku
Requested by: @anime122}

Right at the strike of midnight, my senses numb and uptight
Drunk on my apprehension, keep me up all night long
Adrenaline pumps through you, the spotlight shines right through
Your fingers that dance their way right to my heart

"Hey Syo-kun!" "Shush!" Syo immediately silence Otoya who was greeting him. "Is everything alright?" Otoya whispers softly seeing that Syo is somehow focus on eavesdropping whatever going on inside a practice room. "I'm not sure but I saw Ai and the president went inside along with a doctor or as what I see.." Syo whispers back as he continue eavesdropping.

"Ai-senpai? Wow, Syo-kun you sure do care about Ai-senpai don't you?" Otoya whispered excitement lace in his voice. "Wh-wa-what!? N-n-o I don't! It's just that he's my senpai and he always overworked himself. S-so it's normal to get worried of your co-worker and senpai right?" Syo said flustered. Otoya just shrug, "Whatever Syo-kun. Come on I wanna hear what's going on too!" He said as he too eavesdrop on the conversation going on inside the room.

Ecstasy, I feel in me
Those nights we'd sleep that always satisfy
This rousing sensation, affixation
Again and again it ripples in my river of addiction

"Professor? President? What's going on?" Ai ask the two elderly in front of him. "Why are them looking for me? What's going on?" Without noticing, the emotion 'fear' and 'curiousity' goes through Ai. "Ai-kun, don't panic--" "I'm not panicking." Ai said almost too quickly, cutting off the professor's sentence. "Mr Mikaze, how about you sit down and let the professor talk?" Ai hesitated a while before taking in the president's word and sitting down on a chair in the room.

"Ai-kun, I have an unpleasant news for you." The professor said. Seeing Ai quiet as if listening carefully, the professor continued. "Ai, I was scanning your system last night and I've found a virus that's effecting your system." "Virus?" Ai asked. "Yes, a virus. It's a really bad one too. This virus could not be clean out and would slowly spread throughout your body." The professor stare at Ai. "Professor, point?" Ai asked.

"The point is Mikaze-san, you are sick, with an incurable illness. Your life is in danger and you will only live in a limited time." Saotome said. "So I will experience what the humans call as 'death'?" Saotome and the professor nod their heads.

"What do you mean you will die!?"

Don't you forget about me or the sound of my voice just
Forget the screen between us, come here and love me baby
Refusing my existence is like saying you're only virtual
Please darling, I want to drown deep down in your sound

"What do you mean you will die!?" The door slammed open to reveal Syo and Otoya who was trying to calm him down. "S-Syo! Um president we--" "Kurusu Syo, how many times have I tell you to not eavesdrop on people. Should I triple your schedule?" Ai glare at Syo and Syo just glare back. "Do what you want Ai! I want an explanation! What's going on? What's wrong with Ai!?" Syo demand.

"I guess it's a good thing Syo-kun heard about that. Knowing you Ai, you probably won't tell anyone about this." The professor said. "Kurusu-san, Ittoki-san, call in Quartet Night, the rest of Starish and Nanami Haruka. We're going discuss about this." Saotome said. Both Otoya and Syo ran to find the others. After they're all gather in the room, some confused while others a bit annoyed the president and the professor told them about Ai's situation.

Please just remember one thing, you must remember my voice
Cherish this form you gave me and hold it closer baby
It's love at first sight, our eyes have met and so our breaths
Will inhale and exhale together and resonate

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