Ren×Masato (RenMasa) - Double Wish

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Ah, it's so strange... I love you so much, it's unbearable! The dream we've found is beginning to move!

Tell me again, why I like him? I mean we are rivals, eventhough we work under the same company and we are bandmates. But, but why him? That,that Oji-san! I'm Jinguji Ren! The flirt! Uh, I mean the guy who loves his ladies! Why do I have to fall in love with a guy when I have ladies and the little lamb around me? This does not make any sense! Ugh, I think I'm tired.

Yeah, maybe because I'm tired, that's why I'm thinking nonsense. There is no way that I, Jinguji Ren, would fall in lov- 'PANG!' What the hell!? "Eat it." Tch, don't force me to eat like- Oh! Its my fave! "Hmm, thanks Masayan!" "Don't call me that," Cold. Why are you always cold around me?

Even on freezing weather days, it seems so extremely sweltering. On hot days too

In these mutual temperatures, my heart becomes even more refreshed. I want you! I love you!

"Hmm, thanks Masayan!" "Don't call me that," Do I really have to deny it? I kinda like it when he calls me that. Masayan..? Hm, cute. Wait, what? What am I thinking about? And why did I cooked his favourite dish? Do I..? Nah, that's impossible. I rather be single for the rest of my life than fall in love with this guy even if he's the last person on earth.

"Masayan you want some?" I shook my head."Aw, come on! Say 'Ahh!'" What the? D-don't feed me like that! I'm not a little kid! "Hey, Masayan don't let me hanging. Eh? Masayan why are you blushing?" What?! I could feel the heat. Why am I blushing? "No thanks Jinguji, I have work to do." I said and left. Did I just saw the sad look on Jinguji's face?

Whenever this true loveliness appears before me, surely no one else can possibly match it!

Masato walked away, leaving Ren enjoying his food... all alone. 'Why did he blush even if he said he doesn't want it? Is he a Tsundere or something?' Ren thought. After filling up his stomach, Ren walk around the Master Course building hoping to find something to do. When walking pass the music room, Ren could hear the sound of two violins playing in sync. He peek into the room to see Natsuki and Syo playing their violins.

'Ah, I wish me and Masato could play our instruments together. It would be nice.' He thought and walked away, not wanting to bother the two. While walking, Ren bumped into Masato who was talking to Tokiya. When their eyes met, somehow the tension rises. Tokiya realise this and wanted to excuse himself. "Uh, I have something to do. I think I'll-" "Its okay Icchi, you could continue your chit chat. I want to breath some fresh air." Ren said and leave a guilty Tokiya and a annoyed Masato alone.

Ah, it's so strange... I love you so much, it's unbearable! Only this feeling remains!

More, more, more, I can feel this heat!

Always, always, always, I just believe in you!

Why was Jinguji staring at me like that? Did I do something wrong? I just deny his offer of food, is that wrong? "Hijirikawa-san," "Yes Ichinose?" Ichinose look at me with one of his serious gaze. Creepy. "Did you have a fight with Ren or something?" Bang. It shoot me right in the head. Did I have a fight with Jinguji? Nope, we are cool. But... "No, I didn't have a fight with him. Why did you ask?" I said to Ichinose. Ichinose gave me a questioned look.

"Are you sure? Because the scene I saw just now is the same like when you guys have fights previously." Really, Ichinose? Somehow it make my heart throb. When does fighting with Jinguji became so heartbreaking? "Tokiya~!" I turn to see Ittoki running towards Ichinose and hug him. Ichinose blushed a little. "Ah, Masa! Didn't see ya there!" What? Am I invisible or something Ittoki. "What are ya guys doing here?" Ittoki ask. Should I tell him? Nah, might as well lie to him.

"Nothing, just chatting." I reply. Ittoki looked at Ichinose then at me. "Did ya have a fight with Ren?" W-what? H-how did he..? "Why do you think so?" "Because your face give it away!" Both Ichinose and Ittoki answered. My face gave it away? What does that mean? "Well, you see Hijirikawa-san when you have a fight with Ren you always have that kind of tense face. We notice it every time." Ichinose said. "Masa, you shouldn't fight with Ren ya know! Its not good for both your mental and physical! You should learn from me and Toki! How both of us lo-ummph!" Ichinose covered Ittoki's mouth.

"Otoya! Don't you have work to do? Sorry Masato, but we have to go." Ichinose said and drag Ittoki away. My head tilted to the side a bit. What's up with those two?

I'll give you only this happiness, This feeling that's touched me so many times! It's overflowing!

Tightly clasped hand in hand, I want to feel you! I need you! I love you!

Jealousy? Annoyance? What is this feeling? Am I really jealous over Hijirikawa talking to Icchi? But why? I couldn't... No 'Love Is Forbidden!' Right? Suddenly, some kind of flash back hit me.

"Remember that you must NOT fall in love with a person of the opposite sex!" Was what Ryuga-san said. So I can fall in love with him? What the hell!? No way. But...he would make a great uke. ...I got serious issues! Sigh, I need to talk to someone who is good at love like me. But who? Hmm, ah! That guy might as well help me!

I walk to the dorm room shared by a certain hatted shortie, a megane blondie and a cyan-haired senpai. I'm seeking for their help and I'm talking bad about them. I'm so bad... Oh well, its now or never. 'BANG!'

No matter when, I can't keep these feelings away, from the moment these feelings began!

'BANG!' Ren slammed open the door of Syo, Natsuki and Ai's shared dorm room. Without knowing he had interrupted a nice make-out session between Syo and Ai. "Oh, Ochibi-chan, I didn't know you were the seme." Ren can't help but smirk a little. Quickly, Syo and Ai wear their clother back. "W-What do you want, Ren!?" Syo asked while a pink dust of blush on his cheek, still couldn't get over that Ren walk in his and his dear senpai's make-out session. "Jinguji Ren, its really rude of you to burst in someone's room." Ai said keeping his cool attitude.

Ren raise both of his hand in defeat. "I'm sorry but I need help." "With?" Ai and Syo said almost in unison. "Um, l-lo-love." It took a second before Syo realise what Ren was saying. "You want us to help you with love!?" Syo shouted. "Shh!" Ren hushed him. "Well, it was something like this..." Ren told them everything...

Ah, it's so strange... I love you so much, it's unbearable! I want to hold you so much that it makes me tremble!

Softly, softly, softly, that's right, look only at me!

Always, always, always, I just love you!

Masato wander around the city. It was quite chilly that night and he wasn't wearing any sweater or jacket of any kind. Standing in front of a frozen lake, he wrap his arms around his body. 'Why does the scenery seem so familiar?' Masato thought. Cold. Masato was freezing and his body tremble, his teeth chattering. Just as he was about to turn around and walk back to the Master Course building a pair of warm arms wrap his waist.

"Its cold outside, why aren't you wearing any sweater or jacket?" Ren said and rested his head on Masato's shoulder his breath tickling Masato's neck. "Hijirikawa Masato, I-I think I like you."

Always show me that smile that is my courage! I sing for the sake of protecting you!

"Why do you think so?" Masato ask him. "Don't you love all those 'ladies' and your fangirls?" "Because, my feeling for you is strong. Stronger than I have for any other people." Ren reply.

Masato smile and face Ren. Their foreheads meet. "Hey Ren, I think... I like you too."

Ah, it's so strange... I love you so much, it's unbearable! This is my true passion!

Surely, surely, surely, just watch! Because you make me happy,

Always, always, always, I just love you!

Who cares if we're rivals. We can just fall in love with each other... Hey Masa, do you remember this lake? This was the same lake that connected us together...


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