Ranmaru×Ai - Amnesia

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{Pairing: Ranmaru×Ai (RanAi)
Song: Amnesia - 5SOS
Requested by: NicoleHikari}

Ranmaru×Ai - Amnesia

I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted
I thought about our last kiss, how it felt, the way you tasted
And even though your friends tell me you're doing fine

'Rebooting complete' the system in Ai's body said. Slowly, Ai opened his eyes. "Ai-Ai!" Reiji shouted when he see the younger awake. "Ai... Ai? Who is that?" Ai said. Pang! Never would they expect something like this would happen one day. "Oi, don't play with us! Don't you remember anything?" Ranmaru ask him. Ai shook his head. "Who are you? Where am I?In fact, who am I?" Ai said in his usual monotone voice."Professor, how did this happen?" Reiji ask the professor who was right beside Ai.

"Apparently when he was unconscious he accidentally reboot his systems..." The professor said, concern painted on his face. "Accidentally? What do you mean accidentally? We have a concert in a month and Mikaze doesn't even remember anything!" Camus said furiously, as much as he is worried about his bandmate he is also worried about the concert in plan. "Then there is no choice, all of you need to help him remember everything before the concert. At the same time, I'll try and search for any memory chip." The professor said. All of them look at Ai who had a confused expression.

Are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you?
When he says those words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?

"Your name is Mikaze Ai. I'm Kurosaki Ranmaru, your bandmate and- well never mind." Ranmaru introduced his self first. "Your my what?" Ai ask. "I told you don't mind it." "Aw, Ran-ran! Don't be such a tsun and tell him!" Reiji said and pat Ranmaru's back. "Shut up, nuisance." "Ouch!" Reiji said tears threatening to drop. "Idiots. I'm Camus and that nuisance is Kotobuki Reiji." Camus said, Ai just nodded. "Together we are Quartet Night!" Reiji said excitedly while the other two didn't give much of an expression.

"Quartet... Night?" Ai asked, looking at the three older in front of him. "Yessss desuuu, you are part of Quarteto Night desuuu." Camus, Ranmaru and Reiji sweat dropped. 'That voice...' 'Could it be...' 'The president?' "Muahahhaha, I have heard the news desu~" The lights in the room were then switched off and a spotlight was above Saotome.

Sometimes I start to wonder, was it just a lie?
If what we had was real, how could you be fine?
'Cause I'm not fine at all

"How did you get in here? And since when was there a spotlight there?" Ranmaru asked him while Saotome just grinned creepily. "Who is that?" Ai asked and pointed at Saotome. Saotome's grin grew wider (if that's even possible) and laugh loudly. "Hohoho, I am Shiningu Saotome. Your agency's president." "Um, pardon?" Ai ask him. Shining smirked, "Shining Saotome, your boss." "Boss?"

"Yes, I am your boss dessuu!" Shining said, he turned to Quartet Night. "Jaa, Quarteto Night! I hereby announce that you won't be attending any group conference or tv shows unless Missterr Mikaze gained his memory again desuu! But desu, the concert is held as planned!" He said and exited the room, normally this time. "I shall wait desu."

I remember the day you told me you were leaving
I remember the make-up running down your face
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them
Like every single wish we ever made

With a month to both prepare and regain Ai's memories again, Quartet Night was doing their best. They are also grateful (even if they didn't show it) to their kouhais that make the effort to help Ai regain his memories. Today, it was Syo and Natsuki's turn to help Ai out. Even if Natsuki was most of time trying to get in the kitchen, Syo did his best to both supervise Natsuki and help his senpai.

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