Stray Kids: Intro

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Lee Minho
3:32 AM September 15, 2020

40 minutes.

It's been 40 fucking minutes.

Lee Minho continued to lean against the recreational vehicle's black, white, and grey exterior, staring down at the text conversation that set his insides ablaze.

Today 2:51 AM

hey min-hyung, we made a pit stop on the expressway abt 30 min out. we'll catch up w u in a few

kk. lmk when ur back on the road.
Read 2:52 AM

"Have you tried calling them?" Jisung called from the front right corner of the RV, the newly 20-year-old man in the process of lowering the last stabilizer jack.

"I've tried at least five times with each one," the raven-haired older sighed, releasing his head back against the cool exterior supporting his weight. "Radio silence."

"Hey, Minho-hyung," a soft voice resonated from the entrance door. "Can you move for a second so I can extend the slide-outs?"

"Oh, crap," Minho scrambled off the wall hastily, sparing the younger a warm and apologetic smile. "It's all yours, Innie."

With that, the slide-outs of the RV begin to extend one by one. Meanwhile, Minho stood off to the side, aimlessly checking the weather as he awaited a response from somebody. Anybody.

"Minho, do you know where Chan stores the slide-out stabilizers?" Jisung questioned, approaching the older before placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"No clue," Minho said in response, "You could try calling h-, oh wait. You can't, 'cause the bastard doesn't know how to answer the fucking phone. None of them do!"

Huffing, Minho shoved his phone into the back pocket of his cargo shorts before advancing towards the RV's entrance door.

"Well, it looks like I won't have to call him after all."

Stopping in his tracks, Minho turned to the ginger with a raised eyebrow. Jisung proceeded to flick his gaze towards the familiar SUV approaching their campsite.

Minho sucked his teeth before turning his entire body towards the vehicle and placing both hands on his hips.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," he scoffed as the SUV came to a full stop mere inches before him.

The raven-haired proceeded to tap the hood of the vehicle twice before approaching the driver side door.

"Chan, what the hell?" He barked, placing a hand on the now open car door. "You could have at least-,"

"We found a stray."


Oh crap.

"He's hypothermic and has lost a substantial amount of blood," the eldest continued as he popped the trunk. "He's also a victim of...,"

The blonde's voice trailed off then, the silence accentuating the sound of rustling clothes and scurrying feet around the duo.

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