Mirrored Images

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Hey my loves❤️❤️

Chapter disclaimers:
•Grief hallucinations

Happy reading:)


Lee Minho
1:24 PM September 15, 2020

"He said his birthday was today, right?" Changbin questioned as he continued to fish for a slice of bulgogi using his chopsticks. "What is he, 19?"

"20," Seungmin corrected the older, "Don't think he knew what day it is when he told us how old he was."

The youngest of the four restaurant booth occupants then closed his lips around a mouthful of spicy cold noodles, closing his eyes as he seemingly savored the taste.

"I'm glad Jin and Innie chose to run to a clothing store and get him something," The 5'6" raven-haired suggested. "Not just because it's his birthday, but because the poor guy was stripped of pretty much everything from the get go."

Jisung and Seungmin hummed in agreement as they indulged themselves in their respective dishes, the ginger amongst the two moaning obnoxiously around a mouthful of jajangmyeon.

"This shit slaps," he insisted, his words muffled by the yet-to-be-swallowed wheat noodles stuffing his cheeks. "Minho, you've got to try some."

When Jisung offered a small portion to the raven-haired on his right, however, the latter's hand shot up to reject the former's charity.

"No thank you," he spoke, refusing to look up from the table that he'd been surveying for half an hour.

It was then that the three younger males noticed Minho's bowl of untouched jjigae. Jisung's eyebrows knitted together at the sight.

"Min, you good?" The redhead questioned, gesturing toward the mentioned dish. "You haven't even touched your stew."

Rather than explaining himself to the anticipant younger, Minho remained both silent and stationary. His gaze was firm and his body was still save for the slight rise and fall of his chest. Worried, Jisung placed a hand between the eldest's shoulder blades.

"I-uh, nature calls," Minho spat frantically as he flinched from the ginger's touch and attempted to flee from the booth.

"Min, wait," Seungmin called to the raven-haired.

Sighing, Minho faced the man, his gaze low and shadowed with guilt.

"Are you upset because of what Chan-hyung said to you?" the brunette questioned, his eyes puppy-like and ever so sincere.

The eldest's heart seized as the truth-laced words filtered through his skin.

"Because, if it makes you feel any better, we all feel like shit right about now."

You're just more skilled at concealing it than I am, Minho added mentally, for he was certain Seungmin's own mind was thinking such.

"It's not because of that."


"Well then what is it, then?" Changbin spoke impatiently, his eyebrows disappearing behind his bangs as he spoke.

"Nothing," Minho waved the younger off. "Jus-, if you'll excuse me, now."

With that, the oldest upon the four men turned on his heel and abandoned the booth, not all that eager to undergo an interrogation from his concerned road mates at that moment.

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