The Safest Bet

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Hello my lovelies❤️

Back with a double update for you. Happy reading:)


Hwang Hyunjin
1:30 PM September 15, 2020

"He is most definitely a soft boy," Hyunjin spoke as he continued to caress the sage green sweater beneath his fingertips.

"Why? Because he's small?" Jeongin countered as he shifted through the athletic racks a few yards away. "Perhaps he's into athletic wear. You never know."

"Perhaps he's a sucker for converse and collared shirts."

"Perhaps he-,"

"Is there anything I can help you gentleman find?" An employee approached the bickering pair with attentive eyes and a welcoming smile.

"Uhm," Jeongin scratched the back of his nape then, flicking his eyes toward his companion in hopes that the other would take the wheel.

"Yes, actually," Hyunjin's body perked up, discretely winking at the younger before continuing. "We're on the hunt for some basic clothing essentials, like jeans and simple tees and the like."

"For you or-,"

"For a friend," the older man spoke up, displaying his charming set of teeth to the worker who reciprocated the expression at once.

"And what are your friend's clothing sizes?"

"Well," Hyunjin swallowed then, his throat eliciting a clicking sound as he did so. "He's a relatively petite guy, so I suppose an adult small would suffice." 

"Perfect. And does your friend have a fit preference?" The clothing store employee questioned, to which the blonde raised a questioning eyebrow. "Does he prefer a looser or more body-con fit? Or perhaps neutral?"

"A looser fit will do," Hyunjin nodded after a moment of internal debate, the newcomer's fit preference completely slipping his mind.

"Very well," the professionally dressed woman gestured for the pair to follow her through her workplace.

As the two young men treaded on the heels of the employee, their curious eyes wandered throughout the establishment. A grand assortment of clothing items were available for the public's choosing. From straight jeans to cardigans. From hightop footwear to baseball caps. The brand wasn't particularly luxurious, which made the environment all the more consoling.

Dotted throughout the shop were a number of diverse customers, most of whom were relatively young. Hyunjin supposed that the displayed style of clothing, affordable, casual, and comfortable, attracted such a crowd.

Before the 20-year-old knew it, the clothing store employee came to a halt before an extensive section of rather flavorless clothing items.

"Before you are our shop's acclaimed essentials," the worker beamed, turning toward the pair as she explained further. "Labeled with pink size markers are our small tops, and labeled with yellow size markers are our medium tops. I would recommend those for your friend. Bottoms are folded on the display tables scattered throughout. I would recommend sizes 55-66 when it comes to those."

After displaying their gratitude through a bow, Hyunjin and Jeongin left the employee's side and dived headfirst into the mass of clothing racks and display tables, taking the woman's fruitful advice into account.

"You think he'd approve of capri pants?" Jeongin questioned as he held that particular style of pants to his waist.

"Negative," the older man stated whilst taking inventory of the clothing store's profuse supply of T-shirts. "Capris are either a hit or miss. Straights are a safer bet."

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