Established Jurisdiction

38 2 0

Hi Wattpad!!

Sorry for being MIA during the first four chapters of this story, but I assure you, there is an author behind these updates😉. Author's notes are finally here, baby!

Chapter disclaimers
• Implied eating disorders
• Self-harm (skin picking)
• Referenced drug/substance abuse

if you are okay with the disclaimers previously stated, please enjoy and much love❤️❤️


Kim Seungmin
9:37 AM September 15, 2020

🌈Stray Gays🦄

Text Message
Today 9:37 AM

FoiVe y/o🤪
minnie, innie, where tf r u guys?

exploring the site

ya. there r a lot of old ppl here

like. a lot.

well get yo skinny asses badk here. felix made brownies and there fcking delicious

they poisoned?

FoiVe y/o🤪
oh yeah. and im calling a family meeting

so they are poisoned?

man, fuck a family meeting


FoiVe y/o🤪
no, the brownies aren't poisoned, jeongin

FoiVe y/o🤪
and we're having a meeting, no ifs, ands, or buts. hyun, u getting this?


now please stfu

he's jus saltu cuz he can't cook



Powering off his phone and shoving it into the back pocket of his khaki colored cargo pants, Seungmin glanced over at raven-haired Jeongin, who had done the same thing.

The fair-skinned, delicate featured boy continued to lay atop the dull blades of grass, allowing the sun to illuminate his unblemished, supple skin. His lengthy eyelashes fluttered closed, bringing a warm smile to Seungmin's face.

Absentmindedly, the brunette brought a finger to a stray hair obstructing the younger's face, gently looping the lock behind the latter's ear. A wide, tight-lipped grin painted Jeongin's face then, the flushed apples of his cheeks ever so endearing in Seungmin's eyes.

"Min, what are you doing?" The young boy chuckled softly, leaning into the older boys touch as he proceeded to deliver a head massage to the younger.

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