Brownies for All, Trust for None

42 3 6

Seo Changbin
8:26 AM September 15, 2020

"Which slide-out did you say it was, Innie?" Changbin questioned, a can of silicone lubricant in hand.

"The kitchen," Jeongin answered softly, gesturing toward the mentioned slide-out as he spoke.

"Well, you know what to do. Go ahead, kiddo."

With that, the maknae turned on his heel and entered the recreational vehicle with nimbleness only a 19-year-old could possess. Within seconds, the structure began to extend outward, indicating that the raven-haired youth had successfully reached the slide-out button.

Just as Jeongin had mentioned, the mechanism emitted an unpleasant screeching noise that jostled about Changbin's rib cage and prompted a headache that would be a pain to treat.

Once the slide-out was fully extended, the nomad crawled beneath it, his eyes immediately latching onto the nylon gear tracks present on both corners of the structure's underside.

"How's it going down there, Dwaek?" A familiarly high-pitched, melodic voice resonated nearby.

"Oh, it's a cake walk, Sung," the older replied, positioning the nozzle of the lubricant can near the end of the track. "How's it going up there, man?"

Sighing, Jisung shifted his weight before replying to the older.

"The newb locked himself in the suite. Hasn't been out since he came back."

"I'm surprised you managed to lure him back in the first place," Changbin commended his dongsaeng pridefully, the grin on his face enunciating the soft dimples decorating the flesh. "You've always been a sly dog, you little slime ball."

"Shut up, titface."

"What's up with your blatant obsessions with my tits?"

"They're nice tits. You got tits but not eyes?"

"Why are you two arguing about tits?" Chan sighed, approaching the conversing duo with an obvious smile in his tone.

"Because we-,"

"Hey, guys," Seungmin called from the RV's front entrance. "The ankle assaulter is hungry. What do I do?"

"Throw a raw onion in the suite and see if he's hungry then."

"Bin, the guy has trauma. Leave him be," Chan scolded the third eldest.

"Given his current mindset, I wouldn't be surprised if he bit into that thing like a fuckin' apple." Jisung added, disregarding his hyung's previous rebuke entirely.

"Sung...," Chan warned, and Changbin imagined that the older's eyes were piercing the redhead's soul at that moment.

"He says he wants brownies," informed the distant voice of Jeongin, to which Seungmin hummed in confusion. "Like boxed brownie mix. Home cooked or whatever."

"Did you just refer to boxed brownie mix as being home cooked?" Seungmin chortled, shaking his head at his only dongsaeng. "Jeongin, please."

"This bitch wants us to make brownies? For him?" Changbin inquired, spraying one final coat of silicone lubricant on the slide-out tracks as his eyebrows knitted together.

"At least we get something out of the deal. That shrimp definitely won't be able to eat a full batch himself." Minho stated optimistically, which was oddly out of character in Changbin's opinion.

"True, but who's going to bake them?" Seungmin asked levelheadedly.

"Me. Who else, dumbass?" Minho stated blatantly. "If any of you even breathe on my oven, you'll be stuffed in it. Capeesh?"

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