Kindle, But Never Smother

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Sheeeee's baaaack🥳🎉

My apologies for the rather overdue update. As of late, my composition 2 class has been whooping my a$$. I can only write so much daily, and unfortunately, I must prioritize comp over this:(

Regardless, the show must go on! So enjoy, my lovelies! Muah😘


Lee Minho
7:15 PM September 15, 2020

"Kindle, but never smother. Remember, Minho," Ms. Lee had told her son several years prior. "Care for your flame correctly, and it will care for you in return."

As the woman continued to toast the marshmallow pinned to the end of her skewer, she chuckled, a yellow-orange glow reflecting off the apples of her cheeks.

"I suppose it will care for you in more forms than just warmth," she added, retracting the skewer from the flame at last.

Minho, who had been going on 13 at that time, smiled from ear to ear as the toasted delicacy was fitted between two graham crackers, one of which was topped with Hershey's milk chocolate.

At this very moment, nine years later, Minho was experiencing déjà vu. Situated between his fingers was a s'more akin to the confection he and his mother had made before. In the distance was an RV similar to the vehicle he and his mother shared quite often.

In the years leading up to her diagnosis, Ms. Lee was quite the adventuring soul. Despite having a fixed address in Gimpo, she'd often travel the country, her homeschooled son in tow. Together, the mother-son duo would venture into uncharted city limits in hopes of encountering life-altering attractions. And encounter they did.

Minho and his mother would often visit the city of Jeonju. After all, Ms. Lee found ancient temples, shrines, and any attraction of historic value intriguing. After exploring the area, the pair would return to Seoul, where their RV was located, via the train line that ran between the two cities.

When the opportunity arose, Minho and his mother would visit the N Seoul Tower and hike through the surrounding Namsan Park. Occasionally, they'd take time to explore the Namsan Hanok Village. Ms. Lee found the preserved historic villages fascinating.

He missed those times dearly, but he especially missed his mother.

Despite the extreme measures Minho took to contribute to his mother's medical expenses, all of his efforts amounted to nothing. To this day, the raven-haired's ears were plagued by the flatline that symbolized his conclusive failure.

He'd sacrificed an overwhelming amount. Lent his body to sex-driven loners time and time again. Worked for perhaps the most perverted sex company manager in South Korea. Been assaulted by said sex company manager on a number of occasions. And yet, his actions proved fruitless.

He hadn't done enough.

"Hey, Min. Can you pass the marshmallows, please?"

The voice of Minho's only hyung pierced the phantom partition that had briefly separated the raven-haired from reality.

Blinking, Minho turned toward the unopened bag of marshmallows at his side, took hold of it, and passed it to his anticipant comrade.

"Muchas gracias," he spoke, retrieving the bag with a tender smile illuminated by tones of warmth. "You good, mate?"

"Of course," the ravenette assured the eldest. "Why? Do I look pissed or something?"

"You look preoccupied with something."

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