Wide Awake

36 2 0

Chapter disclaimers:
•Descriptive panic attack
•Mild violence

Lee Felix
7:52 AM September 15, 2020


Pain surged throughout every nerve in Felix's body as his mind began to awake.

His head was throbbing like a bass drum. Blood pumped through his temples and tore through his brain, jostling the muscle around in his cranium like clothes in a dryer. His lips felt like a mud mask. Even the slightest of movements would've resulted in them cracking. Shedding like a snake's skin during ecdysis. Peeling like the price label on a Christmas gift.

His eyelids shot open, pupils dilating swiftly as sunlight invaded his senses.

He couldn't see. Couldn't hear. Couldn't smell.

He could only taste the discrete, metallic taste of blood on his tongue. Feel the blood pumping through his body in a vigorous manner. Feel his heart palpitating out of desperation. Desperation to strengthen his feeble body. Bring color to his ghastly, waxen limbs. Bring life back to his traumatized being.

"He's awake!"

"He's awake. I need help!"

People, Felix thought to himself, Such horrid and insatiable creatures.


People who had injected red ink into his once white soul.

People who had taken advantage of his untainted, virgin body.

People who had poisoned him with flunitrazepam. Spiked his drink with roofie.

People who had allowed him, in all his naivety, to reside with them. Make him feel at home. Make him feel safe.

People who are not to be trusted.

People are not to be trusted.

"People are not to be trusted," he muttered aloud, tears cascading down his cheeks as his pulse began to skyrocket. "People are not to be-,"

"Guys, wake the fuck up!"

"People are n-not to be-," his voice soon gave in to the irregular, fast paced breaths and spontaneous sobs that managed to breach his lips.

The brunette's entire body began to spasm, juddering the weak foundation supporting his weight. His hands proceeded to fly into his hair then, tugging at the brown strands with no regard for their integrity.

"Stop that," a foreign, shaky voice demanded as the perturbing sensation of warmth encapsulated Felix's wrist.

"Don't touch me!" The 20-year-old barked, flailing his arms blindly with the intent of scaring off the unwelcome pursuers. "I don't wanna!"

"Son of a-,"

"Chan, what the fuck do we do?"

"Well, for starters, don't put your hands on him, dumbass!"

"I didn't know it would-,"

A deafening wail left Felix's lips then, his limbs thrashing against the sheets below as the elongated sound tore through the atmosphere like a tornado siren.

"It hurts!" He cried through gritted teeth, fisting his black tank and undoubtedly stretching the cotton fabric. "For fuck's sake, it hur-,"

Another ear-shattering cry followed by uncontrollable hiccups and sporadic breathing.

"Hey, hey, hey," a youthful, nasally voice whispered tenderly. "Breath for me, please. Let's start with an inhale...,"

Fuck you.

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