Chapter 12

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Huehuehue.... still really lazy......:3

<>Soul's POV<>

'Maka had an accident' Those few words echoed throughout my skull. MY Maka?! Had an accident? How!? She's the last person in the world who would have an accident if any sort. Maka's smart, tough, and can get out of any situation. But how?

"What type of accident? Was she raped? Did someone assault her? Was it over-studying? How!?" I asked Hikaru.

"No one knows. Mori and Honey-senpai just found her lying on the ground, unconscious in the park. They brought her to the hospital as soon as they saw her." Hikaru responded.

"..." I didn't know what to say for once. "I-is she awake?"

"Nope, not yet. I really think you should come see her, for when she wakes up." Hikaru said. I nodded, even though he couldn't see me do it.

"I'll be back tomorrow, I think. Make sure Maka doesn't die for me okay?" I chuckled a bit.

"Alright!" I could hear the smile in his voice as he said that.

I went tell my parents and Wes that I was leaving, but they couldn't care any less.


Le Next Day (much french such wow)

After I got off the plane, I immediately called Kyoya. After 20 seconds, he answered.

"Hmm, Soul? What do you need?" He asked.

"Which hospital is Maka staying at!?" I yelled.

"Its was..." Kyoya thought for a moment. "She's staying at the Aizawa Hospital."

"Alright, thanks Kyoya!" I immediately hung up. I ran home, to the point that I might just faint, and took my orange bike out of the garage. One of my butlers asked if I needed a ride, but I declined. I need to get to Aizawa, and FAST.

As I was driving to the hospital I stopped at a cute little flower shop, right across from a cafe. I was starving, but I'm not the major priority right now. I literally ran inside of the flower shop. I saw a man watering some flowers across the room.

"Umm, excuse me?" I said politely as possible. He turned his head around, and smiled.

"Yes, just one minute." He said. I nodded and waited as patiently as I possibly could under all my stress. The man came over to me.

"How may I help you, sir?" He asked me. I looked at his name tag. His name was Nowaki.

"Uhh, yeah, Nowaki. Can you get me really expensive, really pretty flowers? I'm kinda in a rush too, so if you can make it fast, that would be great." I asked.

"Of course, just one moment." Nowaki said politely. He went into the back room, and came out with a giant bouquet of flowers.

"Are these okay?" He asked.

"Perfect." I grabbed the flowers, and pulled 20,000 Yen out of my pocket. I dropped it on the desk. "Keep the change!" I yelled as I ran out of the shop. At the corner of my eye, I saw a man at the cafe across the street, his eyes following Nowaki's every move. I couldn't tell if my brain was trolling me or what, but I needed to see Maka now. (Btw if anyone knows where these characters are from, and what scene[kinda sorta], youre my best friend)

I drove down the road, getting closer and closer to Aizawa Hospital every minute, but the sun was already starting to set, and riding with a bouquet in my hand is harder that it looks. I finally arrived at the hospital, and the sun was just barely past the horizon. I ran inside, and went to the front desk, but no one was there.

"Nonono..." I silently screamed. Just as I said that, the elevator door opened. Honey-senapi, Tsubaki, and Black*Star came out.

"Oh, hey, Soul!" Tsubaki said kindly. "Do you want to go see Maka?"

"Hey Tsubaki. And, yeah. I really need to see Maka. But how did you guys get keys?" I said, eyeing the keys Black*Star was holding.

"Special privileges, a bit of begging and bribery." Black*Star said. "You know, the usual." What type of hospital allows bribes? Welp, not important right now. They took me up to floor 8, requested by Kid, of course, and showed me her room. They let me go in alone, and I thanked them.

There she was, her blonde pigtails, messily pulled back. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth slightly open. There were a bunch of tubes attached to her arms, leading into machines. I felt tears start to form in my eyes. I wanted to embrace her, but didn't want to hurt her. I just put my hand under hers, and locked out fingers together.

"Please," I prayed. "Wake up." Before I knew it, I was asleep in the chair beside her.


I was woken up by the destructive morning light against my eyes. Make still hadn't woken up yet. I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said groggily. Kid stepped inside and threw me a paper bag, and handed me some coffee.

"Good morning, Soul. Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Starving." I opened the bag to see a small package of white rice, and a small sandwich. "Thanks, Kid." He didn't respond. I looked up, and saw him twitching while looking at Maka. From what I can tell, he was looking at her uneven pigtails.

"Soul, can I please-"

"OUT." I said in a stern voice. Kid did was he was told. Hmm, least idiotic thing I've seen Kid do for a while. I continued to eat my small breakfast in peace. I heard a yawn, but it wasn't mine. My eyes wandered over to Maka. Her eyes began to flutter open a little. I placed, well, threw my leftover breakfast on the nearest table, and embraced Maka in a hug.

"I-im so glad." I said, trying to hold back the tears in my eyes. Make gently placed her arms around me. Wait. What? I completely shattered her heart not even a month ago. If anything, she would be trying to get me off of her. I grabbed Maka's shoulders, and looked her straight in the eye.

"Maka," I began. "What is my name?" Maka covered her eyes, and started sobbing.

"I-im s-sorry." She said. "I don't remember."

Im pretty good with these cliff-hanger endings, if i say so myself. Not really ending, just ending of this chapter. So, umm, HAHAHAHA IM SUCH A DICK FOR DOING THIS TO YOU!! :3 Yeah, still really lazy... so sorry for long-ish wait. But, yeah! ^_^ BTW leave comments, they make me smile :3 (and watch AND read Sekaiichi Hatsukoi to be my best friend. K bye ^_^

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