Chapter 3

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<>Soul's POV<>

   As Maka and I walked to the cafeteria, she let go of my hand. Usually i wouldn't mind, but there's something about Maka that is different from all the other girls i've dated. She's unique. We weren't talking, and I thought it felt awkward, so I decided to break the silence.

  "So, uh, Maka," I began


  "Why did you come to Ouran, besides your grades?" I asked, as polietly as I could.

  "Well, my dad doesn't really want me saying exactly what he does, but he lets me say secret military stuff."

  "Cool," I said, obviously trying to remain cool. 

  "What about you?" She asked cheerfully.

  "Im, uh," I didn't really want to tell her, cause my family is crazy and really weird. I felt like I should, but, at the same time I didn't want to tell her. 

  "Oh look, we're here." I say infront of the giant cafeteria doors. I never thought I would be saved by a pair of doors before. Maka smiled, and I felt my face get warm. Wait, was I really blushing? Me? Blushing? My ex's, and a couple of random girls I see in the hall smile at me, and I don't blush. Why am I now? Did I like Maka? One small part of my brain was saying, 'No, i've only know her for like, an hour.' But the other, much larger part of my brain was saying, 'Yes, you love her, make a move already.' What? No! I barely know her! I began having an argument with my self, when Maka interrupted my argument.

  "Soul? Umm, Soul. You still here?" She asked.

   I mentally slapped myself.

  "Uh, yeah." I said as I opened the door to the cafeteria. She smiled, and I tried hard not to blush, to keep my cool. She went to sit at an empty table. I didn't have any requests from girls today, since im the newest member of the Host Club. I followed Maka to the table. As soon as I sat down next to her, she opened up a random book, and started reading. 

 "So, Soul. You're sitting with me?" She asked, not even looking up from her incredibly long, 'overweight' book.

  "Yeah. I didn't have any requests today. Do you want me to leave?"

  "No, no, you can stay, I don't mind." She looked up from her book, looked at me for a moment, and looked back at her book.

  "This is our only lunch period," I began. "Are you hungry?"

  "No, and even if I was, I wouldn't be able to afford it cause I was mugged, if you don't remember from an hour ago."

  "No, I remember." And on that note, I got up and went to join the lunch line. I bought a large tray of food, just in case Maka wants something to eat. I walked back to the table where Maka and I were sitting.

  "Why so much food?" Maka asked me as I began  to sit down.

  "Just in case you wanted to eat." I said nicely. I hope. I passed her a fork, and she took it and started eating.

  "Thanks, Soul." She smiled at me. I had to look away to hide my blush. 

  "SSOOUULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Oh god. Him. He began running inside the lunch room. The same blue, spiky hair can be seen from a mile away. 

  "YAHOO!!!" He screamed. He stopped right infront of Maka and me. "Who's your friend!?" He asked quite loudly.

  "Hey Black*Star. This is Maka," I motioned my hand towards Maka.

  "Nice to meet you Maka! I bet you're excited that you get to know a big star, ME! THE ALMIGHTY BLACK*STAR!!" 

  "Quiet down!" A small voice sorta-shouted at Black*Star.

  "Oh! Hey Tsubaki!" Black*Star screamed, completly ingnoring Tsubaki. I slapped my head. I was finally talking to Maka! Why did they have to come now?

<>Maka's POV<>

I looked at Black*Star. He has a big mouth for such a small body. I looked at him again, and realized he wasn't wearing the usual Ouran High School uniform.

 Someone put out their hand infront of my face.

  "Hi! Im Tsubaki!" She had long, dark hair and dark blue eyes. She was really tall, and had a small voice. 

  "Im Maka." I put out my hand and shook hers. I smiled. I stuck my fork into Soul's/my food, and took a bite.

  "So, whatcha doing!?" Black*Star asked, extremely loud. "Why are you all alone!? Do you want company from a big star like me!?"

  "Well," Soul began, "Maka and I were eating lunch. We're are alone cause no one requested me, and Maka is new and im just trying to be nice and sit with her, and I think we'll be fine without your company."

  "Oh... so you're eating lunch! Why is there only one tray!? Wait, are you two on a in-school date! Yeah! You're on a in school date!"

  I could feel my face get warm, and I saw Soul's redden as well. Soul didn't respond. I kind of hoped it wasn't an in-school date, if thats even a thing, but at the same time, I kind of hoped it was. Soul seems like a cool person, and he wasn't ugly. I think im starting to develope a little crush on Soul... oh well, it'll pass. Hopefully.

  After lunch, I had my normal classes. And shockingly, most of them I had were with Soul. We sat next to eachother kn every class, and I wasn't complaing, and Soul didn't seem to mind. I smiled at the thought. The bell rang, signaling that school was over, finally. Today was a crazy day, and I couldn't wait to get home and read. I began walking outside, wearing my long, black trench coat.(A/N sorry if its not called a trench coat! Im good at anime, not fashion!) 

"Maka! Oy, Maka!" The familiar voice called my name. Soul ran to my side, and started walking with me. "So, Maka, do you need a ride home or anything?" He asked me, beggingly.

  "No, not really," I began, "But, if you want to take me home, you can." I smiled. 

  "Good! Come with me!" He grabbed my hand, and lead me towards an orange motorcycle. "Hop on." He motioned me towards it. I was suprised he had a motorcycle, better yet, drive one. He  asked me my address, and I told him it.

  "We live on the same street. Cool." After about 10 minutes, we finally arrived at my mansion. I hoped off the bike.

  "If you need anything, my house is right there." He pointed to a mansion a few mansions down the road. I smiled. 

  "Thanks for the ride home Soul. Bye!" I said cheerfully.

  "Bye, Maka."

  I opened the door, only to be greeted by one of my maids. I said hello, and ran up the too long staircase to my room. I jumped on my bed, not bothering to get in my pajamas, and closed my eyes. Thank god it was Friday.

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