Chapter 10

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A/N you may or may not hate me after this chapter :3

<>Soul's POV<>

The sky was blue and there wasn't a cloud in sight. The sun was shining, pretty much blinding anyone who looked into it. I saw people in the park on my way to school. Maka was sitting behind me, waiting to get to school. It seemed like a perfect day.

But, something was telling me that something terrible was gonna happen soon. I don't know what could happen. I'm pretty sure I won't crash my bike, there are barley any vehicle's on the road. But I could tell, this perfect day is gonna end out horrible.


Im sitting next to Maka, and first period is about to start. First period is one of our only classes where we actually learn something. I didn't bring anything to school with me, cause I thought we wouldn't be doing anything important. Like usual.

Dr. Stein came rolling into class on his cheap chair. He fell, of course. Maka and everyone else in the class giggled. I would've chuckled if today wasn't going to be such a bad day. Today is not one of those days you can blame on puberty. I know something is going to happen today. Maka looked at me concerned. She could probably sense something was wrong with me.

"Okay class," Dr. Stein began. "Today we'll be doing some review for your test on Monday." I didn't care, but it was a bit of a surprise. I didn't know there was a test Monday. I looked over at Maka. She understood why I looked at her.

"You were sleeping when he told us." She said. That explains a lot. I looked at Dr. Stein to make it look like I was paying any attention. I listened to a few words he was saying. Mexican axolotl

"We will be dissecting the Mexican axolotl(Theyre adorable google them :3). You weill each be getting your own to dissect." Dr. Stein said. Maka shot her hand up in the air.

"Dr. Stein, aren't they endangered?" She ask. He chuckled.

"Better to do them while they're still alive." He said. I wonder what crazy thoughts are in his messed up head. Dr. Stein quickly gave us a review about what to study, how to study, and some extra credit questions.

The bell finally rang, and I left the class. Maka was next to me.

"Hey, Maka," I began." Can you hold my phone for the rest of the day? I don't want it to fall out of my pocket."

"Of course!" She said sweetly. I took my phone out of my pocket and gave it to her. Our next few classes went bye in a blur, and it was finally time for lunch. I bought food, for Maka and I, and went to sit next to her. I put the tray down on the small table, and we dug in. We were a bit quiet. I was about to break the silence when Kid and Kyoya walked over to us.

"Hey, guys!" Maka said cheerfully.

"Hello," They said. They handed Maka and I a slip of paper.

"What is its?" Maka asked.

"It's a party invitation." Kyoya said.

"Cool," I said. "When is it?"

"Tonight, eight o'clock, my house." Kid said. Eight, like that wasn't expected or anything. "Are you guys coming?" Kid asked.

"I am," I said.

"I don't think I can." Maka said. "I'm gonna be studying over the weekend."

"Well, can you stop by for a visit?" Kid asked.

"I don't know. If I have time' I will." She said. They both walked away. and let us continue lunch.


Something New(Soul Eater/Ouran Highschool Host Club crossover)Where stories live. Discover now