Chapter 11

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<>Soul's POV<>
As soon as I got up from bed, I immediately fell back down. Holy hangover, what happened last night? I looked over at the other side of my bed, just to see this random blonde sleeping.

"Who the hell are you?" I yelled. As I said that, she looked at me with tired eyes, and ran out of my room. What the hell was that all about? After 10 minutes of trying to remember last night, I noticed that I was about to die from starvation.

I started making my way to the kitchen, and noticed toe-stubbing pain in my foot. Well, not that painful. It kind of felt like needles in my foot. I lifted up my foot, and notices small pieces of glass. I turned around, and saw my phone on the ground, and the screen was shattered.

The phone wasn't completely broken; at least the screen turned on. When I looked at the backround of me and Maka, almost everything from last night came back to me. I remembered asking Maka to keep my phone with her during school. I somehow remember getting incredibly drunk, passing out, sleeping with this blonde slut, and seeing someone-probably Maka, in my doorway, crying. Holy crap, what did I do?Maka's probably so pissed right now. She probably wants to break up with me, but its not like I can blame her. I have to fix this.

I quickly showered, got dressed, and left my house, completely ignoring my growling stomach. I couldn't just run over to her home and apologize, I need to make sure she forgives me.


I walked into town, looking for something to get Maka. There weren't many people on the streets, just the occasional hum of a car engine passing by. I was window shopping, just hoping something amazing would appear. But, nothing did. I ended up just going to flower shop and buying the most expensive bouquet I could find. 

Before I knew it, I was in front of Maka's house. Crap, when did I get here? I haven't even practiced what im gonna say to her! But still, I ended up ringing the doorbell. Ten seconds later, the door opened, and no one other than Maka was behind it. Her eyes were pink, and her cheeks were stained with tears. Oh god, did I do this to her?

"M-maka," I started.

"Soul, I understand that you got really drunk last night, and you couldn't control yourself. " Maka said. Is she really gonna forgive me this easily?

"Im so sorry, Maka. I swear if I could've controlled myself I wouldnt have been with that slut. Please, forgive me." I held out the flowers to her. She put on a fake smile, and pushed the flowers away from her.

"Soul, like I said before, I understand what happened, but even though, I was still really hurt by what you did. I can't bear being by you, because I feel like I'd break down in tears if I was. Im sorry, Soul. I think maybe we should take a break, maybe even loner then that." I was about to punch a wall. No, no. This isn't right. Why can't this be a manga, were every problem has a solution? But of course not. This is real life.

"No!" I probably sound like im 4. "Maka, I can't live like this-not without you in my life! Please! What can I do to get you to forgive me!?"

"Well, right now, my feelings for you are mixed. I can't tell if I love you or hate you. I don't know whether or not I should forgive so easily, or make you suffer the same way I did." Damn, this girl has some dark thoughts. 

"Please! I'll do anything!" I begged. Maka thought about it for a minute.

"Make me fall in love with you again." She said."I'll forgive you then."

"How am I supposed to do that? It was hard enough the first time." I said. Maka just smiled. She walked back into her house. Where do I even start? I'll do anything to make her mine again. 

...But how am I gonna do that?


For the next few weeks, nothing changed. Maka and I weren't in a relationship, but she didn't hate me. She would still talk to me and have normal-people conversations. I got a more requests than usual at The Host Club, so I figured I could 'practice' on the girls that requested me.

Yet another break from school was right around the corner, and my family decided on an "Evans' Family Vacation... with the addition of Soul." I didn't want to go, but Wes said he would pay me if I did. Meh, why not. I really just needed to clear my head from all the issues going on in my life. 


My family decided on a family vacation to Italy. I was a but uncomfortable being so far away from Maka.  I can't believe I haven't seen her in four whole days! Wait, isn't the only reason I agreed to come is to think about something else for once? Yes. Yes it was. -.- I was sitting on the bed in the hotel room, trying to catch up on the sleep I missed out on, and attempting to ignore the constant text messages and phone calls coming from my almost broken phone. The phone rang again. I snapped. Hikaru was calling for the seventh time this hour.

"What do you want from my life!" I screamed into the phone.

"First, to see you in court for making me deaf in my left ear. Second, well I guess it'll just be a bother to tell you. I thought you would care more about Maka." Hikaru said sarcastically. My eyes widened.

"What happened to Maka!?" I yelled.

"Welp, there goes ear number two." He joked.

"Not the time, Hikaru," I said through my clenched teeth.

"Well, umm, Maka had an accident."

0_0    Read below if you're interested!(Lol nope)                                                                                             

So, umm, yeah. Im lazy, if you cant already tell (*~*') sowwy for not updating sooner...but, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA CLIFFHANGER! LOL IM NOT GONNA UPDATE FOR THE NEXT 8 YEARS! huehuehue just kidding -_- but, yeah too much League of Legends in my life. In addition to that, HALP YAOI IS TAKING OVER MY LIFE! IM DROWNING IN THE FEELS AND I CANT SWIM EAKJRTBQPJHRB JHRATBG AEJOHRB! so yeah. if you dont watch yaoi, watch it o_o so, yeah. bye. 

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