Chapter 2

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<>Maka's POV<>

  The door slams open.

  "Where is she?" The familiar tough voice asks.

  "Where is who?" One of the guys say. He was a pretty good liar.

  "You know, blonde, pig-tails, flat chested, I think it was green eyes, not much shorter than the albino, you know, her?"

  I'm surprised he remembered that much about me.

 "I'm afraid we haven't seen her. The girl you are looking for probably went into a different room. As you can see, there are no girls in here.

 "You two," I was guessing the guy was pointing to the other people that beat me up. "Search the room. There's something I feel these boys are hiding from us."

 I heard a 'hmp' from the two other boys, and footsteps followed. After what felt like hours of staring at the  top of a piano, just thinking about what will happen next, the constant footsteps stopped.

  "She's not here," Said the boys said simultaneously

  "Dammit. C'mon, lets go check the other rooms. 

  I heard two 'hmphs' then footsteps, getting more distant each step. I heard some mumbling, something like "Soul" and "Piano". I heard footsteps getting closer to the piano. The top rises from in front of my face, and I squint my eyes, still adjusting to the light. I open my eyes, just to see the same pair of crimson eyes that I saw eariler, staring back at me. I can feel my face get warm, for no particular reason why. I guess he see's me pink cheeks, because he smirks. I can feel my face get warmer and redder by the second. I start to lift myself of the piano, but since my arms are cut and bruised, it was harder than it looked. I tried to hide it from the albino, but I can tell he notices, by the way he puts his hands on my wait, and lifts me out of the piano. My whole face turns the same color of his eyes. He gently sets me down. He goes to stand over to his friends. They all stare at me. I forgot I told them I would tell them what happened after they hid me, so I just began.

 "My name is Maka Albarn. Today is my first day at Ouran High School. I just moved here from another school because the teachers agreed I was to advanced for that school and wanted me to go somewhere better." I paused for a moment, thinking about what to say, when the tall, blond one interrupts me.

  "Guessing by the way you look, and the way those boys looked, im guessing they attacked you and ran away from them. May I ask you why?"

  I've never seen someone so polite before. I nodded before I continued.

  "Since it's my first day, I got a bit lost. I'm pretty sure I was being polite, and asked the boys for directions to my class. Than out of nowhere, they start attacking me and I barley escaped. All they wanted was the money in my pockets, like they didn't have enough. But than I ran into here, hid in a piano, and now we are here." I ended.

  "Well," the blond continued,"let's introduce ourselfs. We are the Host Club. My name is Tamaki. I am the leader of this club. I am a third year student at Ouran High School."(A/N This story is a year after everything, so yeah) 

  "My name is Kyoya," The one with glasses continued the introductions."I am also a third year. I am the vice-president of the Host Club."

  "Im Kaoru,"

  "And i'm Hikaru,"

  "And we are second years at Ouran High School!" They said it simultaneously, which sort of scared me. They looked exactly alike, so im pretty sure they're are twins. 

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