Chapter 13

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(A/N) Yup, still really lazy. Not gonna change anytime soon... :3

Im sorry. I don't remember!

Those few, simple words echoed through my skull. She had amnesia? Does she remember anything? These thoughts kept crossing my mind as I sat outside of Maka's room, impatiently waiting for the doctor, Dr. Medusa, to tell me how she is.

The door opened with a soft creak, and Dr. Medusa stepped out into the hallway.

"Oh, Soul. I was about to call you. How long have you been waiting out here?" She asked politely.

"All day. But anyways, how's Maka?" I asked.

"Well if you couldn't tell already, she hit her head pretty hard, and she has amnesia. I can't tell if it is temporary or permanent."

"S-so," I began, "there's a chance that she'll remember me?"

"I wouldn't keep your hopes up." Dr. Medusa said with a gentle tone. "If you expect her to remember you, and she doesn't, it will make you feel terrible. And anyways, she suffered a lot of damage. I can't guarantee that Maka won't have any health conditions in the future that may put her at risk if amnesia again."

I nodded and tried to look calm, even though I was exploding on the inside. "I understand." I said. "But, please answer me this: Does Maka remember anything about her life, or is her memory a complete blank space?"

"Well," Dr. Medusa began, "I asked her some questions about her life, like, about her family and home and things like that, and she remembered them all clearly. It seems that only more recent memories have disappeared. She doesn't even remember what school she goes to." Dr. Medusa sighed. "Maka will be discharged from this hospital in 2 days. Show her around."

"Alright one more question. Did you find out what happened to her?" I asked.

"Not yet, but we think that she just collapsed and hit her head."

"Alright. Thank you for your time." I got up and left the hospital.


As soon as I got home, I put on comfortable pajamas, and went straight to the freezer. I took out a tub of strawberry ice cream, and started binge eating.

Just as I got comfortable, the doorbell rang.

"WHAAAT?" I yelled at the door. A gentle voice replied.

"It's us." I immediately knew that voice belonged to Haruhi.

"Come on Soul, open the door!" I heard Tamaki scream. I slowly stood up, and started for the door, ice cream tub in my hand. When I opened the door, what appeared to be a small child jumped at me.

"SOOOOUUUULL...!" Honey-senpai screamed in my ear. When I looked up, I saw that the entire Host Club, Tsubaki, Kid, Black*Star, Liz and Patty were at my door.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked while giving Honey-senpai my tub of ice cream.

"Well," Tsubaki began, "we heard about what happened with you and Maka, and we want to help." I'm really not in the mood for this crap. I just want them to leave so I can binge eat by myself.

"And what would you do? Making someone remember the past year of their life is a lot harder then it looks! If it were so easy Maka would still..." My thoughts trailed off. I was about to say that she would still love me, but would she? One of her last memories is when I got drunk, and accidentally slept with that random chick. Before Maka hurt her head, we weren't even dating. Would she even want to go out with me if she remembered what I did? When I looked up from my deep train of thought, everyone seem confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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