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Hey guys, just occurred to me that the ending of this chapter was deleted, so I'll be editing this eventually to fix that up—it's nothing important to the plot, it just elevates Onyxia's love for her father and selflessness :)))

"Whoa..." Onyxia breathed out softly, staring at the tall sandstone building that fit in almost perfectly with its environment. It was most certainly man-made, but as she continued to gaze upon the structure, she noticed an abnormally large doorway into the building. So large, in fact, that she knew they were at the right location.

"It's big enough to fit a Cybertronian," she stated, lifting herself up and onto the frame before helping the other humans up. She looked at Bumblebee as every human but her headed inside. His whir of encouragement gave her enough confidence to head inside to the death place of her ancestors.

"It's here somewhere, guys," Sam said with a tinge of hope.

"Yeah, why?" Leo retorted. "'Cause we're trusting Grandpa Blackbird? He doesn't even know what planet he's on."

"In his defence, this is the biggest doorway I've ever seen in my life. Just as Onyxia said--definitely for Transformers," Simmons commented.

"Cybertronians," Onyxia corrected despite knowing it would make no actual difference.

"Okay. Well, that's great. Let me do a quick search, all right?" Leo quipped, doing a 360. "Nope. Ever cross your mind, guys, that archeologists have been here before? There's nothing here."

"Real life is heartbreak, despair, kid. Sometimes you get to the end of the rainbow and the leprechauns went and booby-trapped it!" Simmons snapped at the boy.

"I'm listening to you? You live with your mother!" Leo snapped back. The bickering continued relentlessly and Onyxia sat beside Sam, defeated. Maybe her ancestors weren't here. Maybe the Matrix wasn't here. She looked at him with a frown.

"It's not over," Sam told her.

"It is over. It's done," Leo replied to the statement that wasn't meant for him.

"No," Onyxia said resolutely. "It's not over until Sam says it is. Until I say it is. I'm the daughter of the Autobot that died in front of our eyes! If you're going to give up that's fine! You can walk home, Leo, but I don't need--we don't need--your shrimp ass bringing your weak mental resolve into this."

"That's our girl, calling him a shrimp," Skids said while wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"Why are we even still listening to his punk ass?" Mudflap said, directing his words towards Sam. "I mean, what you ever done for us except ruin my rim?" Onyxia stared with wide eyes as her own friend talked bad about Sam--her friend.

"Killed Megatron. How about that?" Skids snapped back.

"Well, he didn't get the job done, you know what I mean, 'cause he's back now."

"Mudflap!" Onyxia cried, only to be ignored as the twins continued to bicker and argue. "Mudflap!" she called again. No response.

"I'll change your face around!" Skids yelled, initiating a fight with Mudflap.

"Guys!" Onyxia yelled, only to scream and duck as Mudflap was thrown towards her. While bouncing off the wall and landing just in front of her, it did not stop rubble from the wall behind her from hitting her head. "Shit!"

Bumblebee hurriedly got into the building and grabbed Skids, then Mudflap. Instead of just throwing them out, he additionally (for good measure) smashed them together like cymbals and tossed them out aggressively. He then crouched in front of Onyxia and whirred softly, pointing to her head.

"I'm alright," Onyxia breathed out, collapsing against the wall behind her only to fall through with a squeal. Above her were the symbols of the language of the Primes inscribed in the very metal of her ancestors. She didn't bother to sit back up, resorting to just staring in wonder at the living memory of their sacrifice. Sam walked into the tomb with the rest of the humans and explored the dusty insides.

"Onyxia, we found it," Sam called, eliciting the immediate summoning of Onyxia. She got up with great haste and almost tripped on a giant finger. She resisted the ridiculous urge to apologise to the Prime whose finger she had almost tripped over. Before her was the sleek and awe-inspiring Matrix. While small, she did not doubt its power any less. If anything, her belief in the strength of the Matrix grew. If there was anything that her father taught her when she was a sparkling, it was that the smallest beings held the most strength. Whether it was to motivate Onyxia whenever she was bullied by others bigger than her or if it were true, she still held onto every word as if it were the most important piece of advice she would ever be given.

And look where it got her. She was a Prime.

Not anymore, a voice in her head spoke tauntingly. It was the truth.

"I think you should be the one to hold it," Sam said to Onyxia, breaking her away from her thoughts. She nodded hesitantly but reached for the Matrix nonetheless. As soon as her fingers brushed the cool metal she felt a strong wave of nausea hit her before she collapsed on the ground, unconscious.


Surrounding Onyxia were the tall figures of the Primes that came before her. They looked down at her with wide blue optics that seemed to soften at the sight of her before them. She turned to look at each Prime slowly as she tried to think through why she was in front of them and what it meant for her.

"Onyxia Prime," one voice boomed, echoing powerfully in the dark environment they were in. It was too dark to make out any details except for the ancestors surrounding her.

"Why am I here?" Onyxia asked them.

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