The church

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We ran to the church, the church was quiet. We were all scared! We had no idea that the hunters were back! We were all shocked. we didn't want to go back into hiding! "This sure is a shocker!" Justin spoke up, "yeah no doubt about it!" Alyssa was panting, I was fine, Jake had a shocked impression, Justin was holding his moms hand, and um, where was Tabatha? "CRAP!" I screamed out, "what is it?" Jake looked puzzled. "I forgot Tabatha! I'm an idiot!" I put my hands on my head, "it's fine I'll howl for her." Alyssa put her hand on my shoulder. "Thanks!" I was a little relieved. Alyssa walked out of the church. We all waited, and waited, and waited. " It's been an hour! Alyssa should be back!" I was getting anxious! Where was she? "Where Is she? I hope this isn't a little joke of hers like she did to us last year!" Jake insisted.
~~~~~ FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We were at the church, I told Alyssa to go get the pack's snack for coming to the meeting. Again we waited and waited for her to come! We all walked outside, to see a fake dead Alyssa! She had her dads cement company to get big trucks, not cement mixing trucks just S.W.A.T looking cars. We were scarred so we ran back inside the church and locked the doors, after we locked the doors Alyssa came up stairs laughing her but off. "I GOT YOU GOOD!" Alyssa was screaming this over and over again laughing. I slapped her and her dad walked in and punched me in my face. -THE END-
~~~~~~~~END FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~
"Yeah I hope she doesn't pull one of those!" Justin put his fist in the air. Jake grabbed his fist and pulled it down. "No just no Justin!" Jake nodded his head. I was at the point to where I was pacing!
But there was a sudden BOOM! Tabatha came bursting through the back door. "Huh?" Me and Justin said in unison. Jake just peeked over. "WHAT THE H-E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS ARE YOU GUYS DOING JUST SITTING THERE!" Tabatha came in flames covered her body. "Slow down what did we do wrong?" I was puzzled and so was Justin and Jake. "Um, you guys don't hear Alyssa screaming?" Tabatha was turning blue! And when I mean blue the fire was getting blue! "WHAT?!?" I screamed, "yeah the hunters have her tied to a stick with fire going to burn her! And your just sitting there, and did I mention there beating her?" Tabatha spoke in a calm voice but her fire was turning dark blue! It was nearly a nightmare! "WHAT?!? I HATE HUNTERS!!" I was starting to rage. Vines started growing up my legs and around my arms. They got thicker and thicker as I got madder and madder. "IM GONNA GO TEACH THOSE WORTHLESS HUNTERS A LESSON!" I screamed! I turned into my wolf, my wolf had vines growing around my stomach but in a diagonal order. My nose was bright red. My eyes were glowing yellow, my wolf was turning green with a white under belly. I stomped outside. But boy did I know what was coming my way!

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