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"J-j-j-Jake," I was hyperventilating, "I-I-I killed j-j-Justin" I turned my head away, I couldn't bare look at his cold reaction, his face went pale, almost blue, buddy smirked. "You kids alright?" He asked trying not to show to much kindness, "we're just fine!" Tabatha glared at him recognizing his glare. "Tell me, rose." Jake took a long deep breath gaining color back to his face. "Why? Why did you kill him?" I could hear the mixed emotions in his voice. Sadness,anger,disappointment. "I'm sorry- I-I-I-I had to okay!" I was calming down a bit, to be able to talk, "why? Why did you kill him?" He punched his fist against the seat, he had just yelled at me. I was dumbfounded, speechless. He sat back in his seat, took a long sigh, "he was a crossbreed Jake, there dangerous!"
"I knew he was a crossbreed, but he never showed it did he?" He growled, "he was soft sided,-" I cut him off, "Jake, he asked me to kill him," Jake turned to me his face turned pale again, "he asked you to kill him?" I nodded my head. "You should of saw him, the only thing keeping him alive was his determination!" I signed looking out the window. "He wanted one of us to kill him, not them." I turned back to him. "It's what he wanted Jake." Tabatha was in tears, Alyssa was bawling, Tabatha had to hug Alyssa to keep her calm. "Your right, never mind." Tabatha got up she growled, "HOW DARE YOU THINK ROSE IS ON DUKE'S SIDE?" She held onto Jakes collar. She growled in his face. "Stupid."
"easy Tabatha I wouldn't blame him." I looked out into the distance.
"you dont work for him? do you?"
"No, he's dead anyways, i killed him to."
"I killed adam." Alyssa spoke up. "we've all got our secrets." she sighed. "but yet.... people they wanna hold your secrets amd break you down." she turned her face to look at us. Tabatha dropped Jake's collar. he fell against the seat.
the helicopter started to land. We were at an airport. "You kids are alright to fly on an Airplane by yourselves right? you wont cuase trouble?" buddy asked us. "why would we be flying on our own?" Alyssa asked. Tabatha's eyes swelled up into tears. "y-y-you..... M-m-m-m-murderers" she dropped onto her knees and cried i stood up. "Tabatha....." i said real uneasy. "what do yo mean?"
"they worked for......."
"dont say another word!" my vines that were atatched to my wrist, started to climb down my hand. "prepare..... to ......"
"DIE!" Tabatha jumped up she touched my vines and enchanted them, the glowed and sparkled with life. They were thick ,strong, unbeatable. I used the powers I had and made them even thicker and stronger, they were probably like titanium. I grabbed the guys and threw them all over the helicopters walls. "The power of vines...." Alyssa mumbled. The guys were black and blue. Bleeding, And crying for mercy. "Please... We didn't know you were..."
"Strong, worth everything, a family?" Tabatha growled. "Yes..."
"Idiots... Everyone is family, but I don't want you in my family." Alyssa made shards of ice above. " You filthy cowards." Buddy and Jack were trembling. "Thinking we're going to let you live? Us to spare you? Nah.... I rather play...." She made the ends of the ice sharper, "genocide!" Her voice as cold as ice. Her eyes were dark blue, her eyes were magnificent when the light touched them, glittering, sparkling at a time like this. It seemed to slow things down. Was she slowing time? Was I? Or was it just my imagination? I couldn't tell, I turned my head just in time to see the ice shards going through the heads of the guys, her eyes glistening. She was enjoying killing them. Time seemed to stop me and Alyssa were the only ones that could move. "Alyssa?" She looked at me. "Yes?"
"Did you know?"
"Know what?"
"Know that you could do this."
My eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell us?" She lowered her head. "They can hear us." I looked at Tabatha and Jake. "Okay, but why can't you tell us?"
"BECAUSE IM AFRAID OKAY?" She started to cry. I stood up and walked to her. "I gave her a hug, and held onto her for a long period of time, even though time was frozen."it's okay, and soon we'll be home soon."
"Home?" She asked, "where is home? When everyone is dead?" I sighed. She was right. "Then we make a new beginning, make a new start, but most importantly Make a new home." She must've not been able to hold her power any longer because time unfroze. "Come on Alyssa, the helicopter is landing, if we jump out we might be able to get away from everyone in time." Tabatha said. "What do you mean?" Jake asked. "I mean everyone will be waiting for the great discovery, so if we jump NOW! Greater chances well get out alive maybe with a couple more bruises from the jumping but we've gotta try." Me and Alyssa were already opening up the door. "Come on slow pokes! I shouted, me and Alyssa held hands and jumped out of the window, she transformed into a cat so she would land on all fours, I ducked down and rolled onto the ground causing a couple bruises. I scooped Alyssa up. "Tabatha you've got proper colors, turn into your wolf so you look somewhat like a dog," she nodded her head and turned into a wolf. I pointed my finger at Tabatha's neck and a vine wrapped around her neck, I stretched the vine out so it looked more like a leash, I gave the end to Jake, "here,"
"Thanks!" I nodded my head and walked towards the door to the entrance of the building, Alyssa crawled up my arm and onto my shoulder, we were all wondering what awaited, we all held our breathes, the helicopter was now reaching the helicopter pad and we ran through the door.

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