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Jake, Justin, and Tabatha had followed me outside, they were all in there forms, Jake was actually fire, Tabatha had just stole his power for a second, for she's a physic so she could take and control ones power! Jakes wolf was completely red, he had fire coming out of him, Justin was water, his wolf was completely blue! And his paws had a lighter blue that was waved. He had little wavy lines on his stomach to! Kinda like the ones on his paws! And Tabatha she was completely purple! She had yellow eyes and a little red gem stone on her head. She looked pretty intimidating. We all looked like pros walking out. Until Alyssa was crying she had blood all over her! We then all ran over to her. Jake and Justin could run through the fire because Jake was fire himself! And Justin was making little puddles as he walked in the fire. They were ducked down so they hopefully didn't see them. Tabatha was going inside the people's mind making them walk inside the fire and burning to death. I practically protected her from the bullets. My vines were grabbing and throwing down the bullets like they were nothing! They were all scared of us I think that's why they kept shooting. But you know all good things must come to an end. And it was all my fault! I tripped over a vine and got shot! They also were able to shoot Tabatha to, since I wasn't protecting her. My vines couldn't be controlled and half of them shriveled up and died with me not being awake. Three of them were alive though. They quickly shot Alyssa and Jake and Justin jumped up, they were able to shoot them instantly with them in the air. We were all out!
~time skip to when we're awake!~
I woke up, well crap! This is a truck! And oh look here are chains all around us! These people are idiots! I tried using my vines to break the chains but I couldn't summon them! I realized they had put some type of drug inside of me and the others so they could disturb our powers for a while, I tried moving but that was just a stupid idea. Jake started waking up, he and Tabatha were next to me, Justin and Alyssa were next to each other. I laid down in an uncomfortable position so I could nuzzle Jake to tell him I was fine. "r-r-Ross I'm sorry!" He laid his head next to mine, "don't worry we all failed! it's all our faults!" Justin licked my nose, a tear fell from my eye, "if only we would of succeeded" I murmured afraid Jake would head. Tabatha bit my leg. "OUCH!" I kicked Tabatha making her wake up. "Hey! Why did you kick me? And where are we?" Tabatha was still talking in a sleepy tone, "I kicked you because you bit me! And we're obviously inside of a truck dummy!" I was in pure irritation! Weak little vines crawled up my body, little flames barley alive crawled up jakes, and well, Justin was making puddles with his saliva! The door on the truck swung open. We didn't know what to expect so we quickly all continued to look like we were sleeping.

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