Your heart is stronger than your soul

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"Kate," I didn't turn around, I kept looking off into the distance watching the other therians run frantically around while the other therians were working so hard it'd appear as if they'd fall to the ground in exhaustion. "I know you don't trust anyone and I know that you're looking for your brother and you don't feel safe but we want to train you...." Jake cried out. "Good luck." I said without looking at him. "Fine, it appears as if your soul is still stronger than your heart, looks like you won't open your heart up." Clearly annoyed and angry I didn't say a word. "I know your so insecure and so full of self pity that you don't want to do anything." Jake kept going. I turned around and jumped off from the railing and tackled him, I roared in his face. I jumped because I wasn't a lion. I as a wolf. "Finally." Jake sighed. "You're more powerful than you know about." I got up off of him and crossed my arms. "What do you mean? Are you telling about how you're going to betray me again." I scoffed. "Let's go, you're way to powerful not to know anything" Jake sighed taking my arm, I would've protested but I was curious on how he was going to 'train me' he pulled me down 4 flights of stairs. I was already tired from just climbing the stairs let alone have to train and hour. I sighed in exhaustion. "Let's go, my lioness."I glared at him. " I'm a wolf not a lion," I growled slightly in irritation, "see that's why you're special. Your soul is a wolf and your heart is a lion. Your soul shows itself first to give an introduction of the heart. Then your heart shines like a crystal."  I raised an eyebrow. "That's great, now what are you training me?" I asked with an attitude. "I'm training you how to be your therian animal in real life, everyone here gets to try to get their animal to awaken but most fail, the only ones that know how to do it are, Tabatha, me, Justin and Alyssa"
  "Alyssa knows how to turn into her therian animal?" I Asked in awe.
"Of course, but you do too," he paused and murmured to himself so quietly that I couldn't hear what he had said. I ignored this but kept following him.
He had told me that it would be a hallucination, that my spirit would partially bond with the earth and come alive, that we would still be humans with the same bone structure and everything, but only a projection shining upon us. I figured I was a lion! It was much harder to project a lion more than a Wolf. It did take a few tries, after the training was over and I knew how to do this I went to a balcony. It was named 'suicide heights' just because of how many therians had committed suicide there. Which led me to a bigger problem! I mistakenly had sat upon the railing, like I did before Jake had grabbed me for his special training. I looked of into the distance, sitting on the railing you could see through the windows of my cabin that me and Alyssa slept in, I watched Alyssa tiredly read one of her favorite books. She walked out onto the stairway with her book and a plastic chair that had holes in it, for it was probably something they had found in the woods. Alyssa sat in the chair mostly in awe. She didn't dare pick up her book. I kind of smirked at her reaction, though mine wasn't much better.
I felt a presence behind me, I gripped the railing. "Rose," a voice called out.
I instantly knew this voice to belong to Tabitha. "We have some unfinished business." I only kept looking forward, questioning myself on what the 'unfinished business' was. "And what would that be?"  I asked not looking behind me, "the business that I was ordered to do 10 years ago when I met you, you see..." She paused I could tell she was up to no good, I turned around, still on the railing but facing her. "You see I'm not a therian, that I faked it...." My heart dropped. "I would have thought you as a freak. I would have never talked to you..." She paused and smiled uneasily. "But if I wasn't offered three hundred thousand dollars, I wouldn't have messed with you or your brother," her eyes glinted with evil. My eyes watered "no..." I murmured, "No! No! No!" I started to scream at her. "My brother is not dead..." I said in a serious deadly tone. "Oh but he is, so you do you have a choice.... You can.." She paused to find the word. "So say jump..." She finished, "or you can have me kill you, either way is fine with me." She had a deathly grin written all over her face. "Neither," I chose, I pounced on her, my heart showing more than my soul, I was avenging my brother. I had changed into the lion side of myself, my claws were bulging out of my paw, I came to swipe down across her face but she pulled her dagger out and sliced my hand open. I roared in pain as my paw began to bleed. She then turned into a horse. (That's what her soul animal was,) "what good is that gonna do you?" I laughed in exasperation. "Let's be real, why else would I do that?" She rolled her eyes.  I was curious, so curious I hadn't realized I was back into my human self. I walked forward. Inching closer and closer. Yet she only glared at me. As if it happened within five seconds the whole world seemed to stop. She reared up and kicked me with her hind legs, plummeting me over the railing, falling, falling, falling. I could see the wide spread smile across tabitha's face, twisting my head to see Alyssa dropping her coffee and running down flights of stairs to get to me screaming, as white as a ghost Jake and Justin stood feet away from the ground. I was close to the ground by now. Bracing for the impact of the fall I closed my eyes. As soon as I closed my eyes a surge of heat heat me harder than the floor ever would. I saw images of me and my brother playing in the fields when we we were younger. Before the therians had to hide. Another flash back hit me of when my parents were in shock, but we couldn't of figured out why they were so upset, and then realizing we had to run away for good. And the last flash back was when I had left my brother to die. Knowing I was about to die I took a deep breath in and I mouthed,"good bye" but the end never came, instead I opened my eyes to see I was half wolf on one side with half lion on the other side. I was engulfed in flames. Yet I wasn't burning, I felt very hot yes, but not burning. But instead I was gliding. I had wings! I flapped my wings soaring higher and higher. I ignored the sounds of whispering and gasps. My brother saved me. But I knew if he was dead he couldn't have saved me, not like this anyways... It was a wave link memory that saved me. And so I soaring in the air decided it was time to find the flames of my brother's Phoenix.

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