Chapter 23

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Alexa's POV

"I'll be back in an hour and a half sweetheart, I love you." Mom tells me as she parks up outside Jane's office. She reaches over to kiss my head, she's only just started doing that again even though I can tell she's nervous about doing it, I think we've both really missed that affection.

"I love you too, Mom." I reply before getting out of the car and heading up the ridiculously steep stairs. Insert eye roll here, seriously what's wrong with installing an elevator!

When I reach Jane's office I knock on the door and take a seat outside like she told me to, but before I can even get my bag off my shoulder she opens the door and greets me with a smile.

"Right on time, come on in Alexa." I follow Jane in and take my seat a little more comfortably this time. I'm still really nervous, it's not fun or easy talking about personal things, but I'm a bit more... yeah, comfortable.

"So I can see you have your items with you, we'll go through them in a minute. First though, how have things been at home with your Mom?" Jane gets straight to the point, unsurprisingly.

"Well, I guess- AHH!" I don't even finish my word and a flick of water hits my face. I look at Jane and see a little toy water pistol in her hand.

I mean, maybe the shriek was a bit dramatic, but my therapist sitting with a water pistol spraying me with it is a bit dramatic too!

"I thought that might happen and honestly this is the most fun I get on a weekday, so let's try that again, yeah?" Jane instructs with a smirk on her face, which actually manages to make me laugh.

Damn, she's good.

"Things have been different... we've had more like little chats, the awkwardness isn't lingering quite as much. We've talked a lot too, she's putting the effort in and making it known how much she loves me and is putting me first."

"That sounds great, what about the not so great things or the things you're still unsure of?" Jane replies, making her little notes as usual. "I... Um, I want things to go back to normal. I mean she's been waiting until I fall asleep and then sleeping on my floor just in case I have a nightmare, I told her I'm okay and if I wasn't I'd tell her... I guess it-"

I straight up scowl at Jane when the water hits me this time, I was being really open and honest just now. "Really?! That's so annoying!" I whine a little, I know it's childish but it's really starting to bug me.

"You know the 3 phrases banned in here, remember them or you get sprayed. It's not to annoy you, it's to make you think about how you're used to phrasing things. Continue."

I sigh, knowing she is a little bit right. "The thing is, I miss her getting into my bed and vice versa, I miss the old times. I miss when she would tell me if I wasn't downstairs in 15 seconds she was eating my breakfast or giving it to Uncle Chris... She's walking on eggshells and I hate it, I'm hurt but why can't I be hurt and still have my mom and our relationship as usual. I just miss my mom."

Jane finally puts the little water pistol down and that relieves me honestly, until she leans forward in her chair slightly. "When you left here last session, did your mom ask you about it as soon as you got in the car?" She asks a little on a tangent.

I shake my head "No she asked me the next morning, she said she wanted to give me time to process and there's no pressure to talk to her about the sessions. If I want to, she's all ears, if not it's okay."

Jane nods her head and sits back up... then nothing? "Am I supposed to keep talking or?" I ask quietly, a bit confused. "No, I was just thinking. Let's leave that for now. I'll come back to it after we go through your objects." She says and makes another little note in her notepad.

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