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The clock hits 10:00 am and the realization washes over me like ice water.

The cars driving on the road between me and Aurora's work send gushes of wind to hit me.

She's not at work.

Another lie. 

I take a large, long inhale of my cigarette, like I was trying to have it light my lungs on fire. I know the anger is visible on my face as I blow the smoke out and throw the cigarette onto the ground, crushing it with the bottom of my shoe just as I had done to someone's head in this exact spot once before.

My face is a mix of anger and blankness as I begin walking down the crowded sidewalk. 

What the hell could have my sweet Aurora lying to me?

She's a good girl. She's not a liar. Surely, there must be a good reason for this.

I get into my car. The first place I check is her house. And sure enough, there she is, and not at work like she claimed she would be. 

I take my phone out of my pocket and call her, but she doesn't pick up. 

I begin thinking of reasons why she could possibly be ignoring me and avoiding me. Was I mean to her, and didn't notice? Did I do something to upset her? I would apologize for whatever it was, I'd get on my knees, I'd do fucking anything. 

I drive home. I don't want to ambush her. Although it was hard, I wait all day, until her shift was supposed to end to call her again. 

But once again, I'm met with her voice message. 

"Hey! This is Aurora Fields, feel free to leave a message if you think I give a shit about you!" her voice comes through on her voice message, and even though I know it's not her speaking to me right now, just the sound of her is enough to make me smile.

It beeps, and then I start talking, "Hey, Aurora. I wanna take you out tonight, on a date. Please give me a call back once you're home from work."

I hang up and drop my phone onto the table. I continue to sit exactly where I am, waiting for her to call me back. 

The hours pass and pass. I smoke pack after pack of cigarettes, and even when the clock hits 3 am, I'm still waiting for a call back. 

I end up falling asleep in my chair. But a low, quiet vibration pulls me out of my sleep.

My phone vibrates on the table in front of me. The second I see it's Aurora, I grab it at the speed of light and pick up.

"Aurora?" I say. The sky is still dark, telling me it's before 5 am.

"Hey, sorry to be calling you so late, just got back from my dads," she lies. "But there's something I need to tell you."

"Anything. You can tell me anything."

"I'm going on a trip with my friend next week. It'll just be a few days, but I thought I should let you know," she tells me, and my eyebrows tug together.

What? You're leaving me, Aurora?

"What...what friend?" I question while standing up.

"Um, one you haven't met," she says vaguely. "I've got to go, I'm really tired and am going to sleep. Goodnight, Saint."

"Wait-" I begin, but am cut off by her ending the call.

I swear under my breath and throw my phone onto the couch. 

A trip?

With who?


I need these answers, Aurora.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐇 (Ash Trilogy #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now