Chapter 16: A Disaster in Paradise

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(Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to those of you who celebrate. Sorry it's a day late for Christmas. But I hope you all like it! I hope you're having a great holiday season as well. I was planning on finishing this Christmas eve but unfortunately didn't get any time too. This chapter might be a bit rushed but hopefully it's still a little bit good! Enjoy! ) 

Oh my God. It's here once again. This awful time of year...


Maybe this year it'll be better since you have an actual family now. As opposed to your last "family".

Weeks have passed since your ankle has healed from spraining it on the stairs. And recently have picked up a job at the local library in town. The library was pretty quiet since most people either didn't read anymore or just read online. No need to go to the library you supposed. But that just means it's very quiet and not a whole lot of crazy customers. Not yet anyway......

Just having gotten out of bed, you decided to be the Grinch of the holiday. You didn't know how the Maitlands or Beetlejuice spent Chirstmas or if they even celebrated at all. But you did know you wouldn't be singing any Christmas songs. The only good thing about today was you didn't have to go into work, thankfully they were closed. Though you'll have to go back tomorrow, you'll enjoy the day off. 

You didn't bother getting out of your pajamas yet. You just walked downstairs, messy hair and tired eyes, and possibly walking into a wall a couple of times. You stumbled into the kitchen, seeing Adam and Barbara looking out the window at the snow coming down. 

"Morning," You said, waving lazily at them as you walked in and right to the fridge. "How are you guys?"

"We're doing alright, how are you (Y/n)?" Adam responded, turning around to face you. 

"Tired but fine. Where's the loud one?" You asked, taking out some eggs to scramble for breakfast. 

"He's up in the attic. Decorating I think." Said Barbara. 

"Decorating for Christmas? Haven't we already done most of the Christmas decorations? Why does he want more?" You whipped up the eggs and started scrambling them in the pan. 

Admam spoke next. "He's actually decorating for Hanukkah. Even though Hanukkah has already started, apparently he didn't know that. So he's catching up on all his Hanukkah stuff." 

"Hanukkah? Is he Jewish?" 

"Yeah, didn't you know that?" 

"No, up until this day, I didn't think demons celebrated human holidays at all. I guess you learn something new each day." You said and turned back to your breakfast. 

"Merry Christmas by the way, (Y/n). Are you planning on doing anything today?" Barbara came over to stand by you. 

"No, I don't think so. Umm, that reminds me though, I didn't get any gifts for anyone. The past few years or so, we didn't ever do a whole lot for Christmas and gifts weren't part of it mom left." You looked at the two of them, hoping you hadn't let them down or anything. 

"Oh, no, no, no, don't worry about that. You don't have to do anything for us. Plus, we're dead, even if you had gotten us something, we wouldn't be able to do much with it anyway." Explained Adam. 

All of a sudden, the kitchen door swung open and harshly hit the wall behind it. "Also, (Y/n), you're a sight for sore eyes. What more could a demon want?" Betelgeuse announced after his dramatic entrance. 

You stared at him blankly. "I'm gonna move right past that." Then finished up your eggs and made some tea. 

Betelgeuse then came right up to you, forgetting any definition of personal space whatsoever, and wrapping an arm around your neck. "Hiya, sweets." You weren't sure if it was cause he was right next to your ear or you were startled by his actions, but his voice sounded extra gravely in that moment. He then gave you a quick and light kiss on your temple. He then unlatched himself from you and went to sit on the counter island. "What's everyone up to?"

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