Chapter 7: Finally Standing Up

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"Here we go, dessert is on the table," Joel announced to the group. They all took a serving, hesitantly, and began eating. Everyone, even Eileen who made the dish, scrunched up their faces in disgust. You put down your spoon of the dessert and didn't touch it again. "It's a very good desert Eileen. What is it?" Asked Joel. She just shrugged. She didn't even know what she made.

"Yes, it's quite a unique substance you've created." The blonde woman said, plastering a fake smile on her face.

"And I'll tell you another thing about it," Joel started. "It is the most disgusting, repulsive, horrible dessert I've ever had!" He shouted. You smiled wider this time, excited to see what Adam had planned for your father. "In fact, you two are also repulsive and disgusting, Eileen," Joel said. His eyes went wide, unsure of where that came from. Eileen stared at him in disbelief and turned away from him and stuck her nose up in the air, hurt by his words. "Eileen, that wasn't me. I would never say that. I love you."

Eileen spun her head around and her mouth went round. "You what?"

"You what?" You stared at him, your head shot up in shock. 'He didn't mean it......did he?'

"It's true. I love her. I love you, Eileen. I have for a while now. I've never loved anyone and never will love anyone in my life more than I love you. You are my first priority. I could get rid of everything else in my life, anything, and all I would need and want is you. That's why I must ask, Eileen, will you marry me?" He got down on one knee. "I apologize. This isn't the way I was planning on doing this."

You couldn't take your eyes off of them. This couldn't be happening. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Betelgeuse watching the events unfold. You couldn't pull your gaze off of your father though. Your eyes knitted together, tears beginning to fill in them, and you stared daggers at your father. "I've never loved anyone and never will love anyone in my life more than I love you." You repeated your father's words in your head. " I could get rid of everything else in my life, anything, and all I would need and want is you." You couldn't believe what you were listening to.

Eileen looked down at him, hand on her chest while the other was in his hand. "Joel, uh, yes, yes I will marry you!" She jumped on him, squealing.

"Oh, Eileen, you're the only thing I'll ever love." Joel started kissing her. Betelgeuse and the Maitlands both looked at you with sympathy.

"Really, you sure about that?" You declared over the table. All heads turned towards you. Betelgeuse glared at you from behind the couple, getting himself prepared. "That's how you really feel huh? Well, okay, fine. Well, how about mom? The woman you swore you'd love till you both shall live, and what did you do? You cheated on her 4 times. Each time you said it was the last. She gave up and left you behind. Left us behind. And Jackson? Your son who you threw out of the house to live on his own before he was ready to. He had so many problems to deal with. He didn't deserve to be kicked out before we was ready. Who knows if he's even alive anymore."

Joel glared at you. "(Y/n), you stop talking right now."

"No, I won't. All these months have passed by and you haven't even looked at me the same way. You never talk to me, all you do is shout and yell. I'm surprised I haven't gone deaf. I might as well be though; I wouldn't have to listen to your pathetic voice and the shit that comes out of your mouth anymore." Everyone at the table gasped. Betelgeuse smirked in amazement, impressed. Adam and Barbra both clapped, cheering you on, giving you a thumbs up.

"(Y/n)..." He took a step forward.

"You're trying to impress these people right? Make yourself look good in front of them. Try to get me to be the perfect daughter. Well, you know what? I'm not perfect. No one is. And I hate this dress. I wear normal clothes, not this monstrosity." You spread your arms out wide. Betelgeuse snapped his fingers and your favorite outfit appeared on you. All the make up you had put on to cover your bruises and cuts, came off as well. You were yourself again.

"How did you do that?" Quincy was the one to ask, staring at you in amazement.

"Don't you say another word..." Joel started walking around the table to get to you.

"Why? Oh, are there things you don't want them to know about you?"

"(Y/n)!" He raised his voice at you, getting closer to you with each step he took. All of the guests looked between Joel and you, uncertain of what was currently happening. Everyone at the table was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. Bridget got up out of her seat and stood by a wall, taking pictures of the situation with her phone.

"Like the fact that you abuse me and beat me until I can't even move. Every night when I hear that door slam, I'm terrified for my life. Not knowing how much more I can take. You abuse me in different ways each and every day, over the smallest of things. And you have been doing that since mom left. Since my brother was forced to leave. Since you stopped caring. SINCE YOU STOPPED BEING MY FATHER." And just like that, Joel rushed over to you with a small wooden chopping board. You took one step backward.

Betelgeuse stood from his leaning position on the wall and took a step closer to you, but Adam prevented him from interfering. And, just like that, the wooden board came crashing down on to you with full force. It struck you on the head and you fell down with a bang. Everyone who was once sitting came up to a full standing position and moved away from the two.

"How dare you say that to me," Joel shouted down at you. Just from one hit, your lip was already bleeding and your eye looked bruised. Once again, your face collided with the board. Then again. And again. Then Joel started forcefully smacking your back repeatedly with his hands. Betelgeuse looked anxious. You weren't going to be able to speak if he kept this up. Over and over, you were struck with the board and kept trying your best to get up. He has punched you a couple of times but his choice of weapon this time around was a wooden board that they once used to make cookies on.

Tears were running down your face, you whimpered in pain. But then, you managed to say something under your breath, quietly, but still very effective. Betelgeuse felt a tingle sensation. It was about to start.

You grunted. "Betelgeuse."

Joel halted for a moment. "What'd you say? Don't you dare speak another word you wretched brat!" And it came down to your face once again, sending you flying backward.

"Betelgeuse." You cried, it was barely audible. But it was still enough. 5 more times after that, multiple parts of your body were smacked and bruised by the wooden weapon.

"Come on (Y/n), you can do it! I can help. Just say it once more and I will get rid of him. You won't have to endure this any longer. Just say my name one more time to get your revenge!" Betelgeuse begged and encouraged you. You looked at him with tear-filled eyes. He stared down at you with worry and hopefulness.

"What are you looking at? Look only at me you piece of shit!" And stroke you with it again. At this point, you had blood coming out of your mouth. Betelgeuse looked at you, wishing for you to say it just once more. Even if he could barely hear it, it was still enough to free him.

With every bit of voice that you had left, you hoisted yourself up on your hands and lowered your head. You screamed his name one last time to finish it off. "BETELGEUSE!" And the next thing you knew, he was gone. Betelgeuse was nowhere to be seen. 

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