Chapter 15: Lending a Helpful Hand

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Today had been a pretty chill day, not much happened. It was later in the evening and you decided you'd step outside to get a little fresh air. Both of the Maitland's were in the basement rearranging some furniture. Betelgeuse left somewhere sometime after breakfast and hasn't shown up since. It was pretty quiet today.

Walking out of your room, you rubbed your temples and shut your eyes for a couple of seconds, trying to relax. As you reached the end of the hallway and the top of the stairs, you were suddenly flying through the air, your foot flying out from underneath you. Gasping, you landed on the stairs and slid down the rest of the steps, your ankle bending in a way it shouldn't. A stabbing pain shot through your whole ankle and foot. As you crashed down to the end of the stairs, you stayed laying on the floor, tears spilling from your eyes from the pain in your ankle.

You held your foot in agony, cursing and crying. You tried hoisting yourself up a bit. And just as soon as it happened, Adam and Barbara came upstairs to see what the crashing noise was.

Barbara looked over at you and rushed to your side, Adam following close behind. "(Y/n), are you okay? What happened?"

You grunted as you spoke and wiped the tears away. "I was walking down the stairs and then all of the sudden, I wasn't. And I think I sprained my ankle on the way down."

"Gosh, I'm sorry. Here, let's get you on the couch and off that foot." Adam said, helping you up, Barbara assisting, and setting you down on the couch. "Alright, Barbara and I will be right back with the first aid kit. We saw it somewhere downstairs in the basement. Just don't put any weight on it." Adam said sternly and walked away with Barbara downstairs.


As you sat there on the couch, you grabbed a pillow and hugged it, trying to get comfortable. You ended up falling asleep, your ankle lifted up by a pillow. But you were only asleep for maybe 20 minutes when you were woken up by voices talking.

"How'd it happen? Why'd it'd happen? Is she dying? There's gotta be something we can do to help." Said the familiar gravely voice frantically.

"Betelgeuse, she's fine. She just has a sprained ankle. She should be healed in a week or so. More or less." Adam said, trying to calm the demon down. "She just can't put any weight on it until it's fully healed. Barbara and I will be upstairs if you or she need us. It's best to let her sleep for now."

"What do I do with this?" Betelgeuse said holding up the first aid kit.

"When she wakes up, put ice on her ankle and wrap it with the bandages. Just not too tightly." Replied Barbara. Betelgeuse nodded and the Maitlands proceeded to go up to the attic. Betelgeuse then went into the kitchen, making a lot of noise in the process.

You sat up, wincing from the pain in your ankle. You tried to get up and walk to the kitchen but ended up falling to the ground instead. You didn't even make it halfway before failing to stand. Betelgeuse came back from the kitchen and saw you on the ground struggling to stand up again. He rushed to your aid, putting an arm around your shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing? You have a sprained ankle and you're walking around? Are you fuckin' dumb?" Betelgeuse sat you back down on your spot on the couch.

"Yup. I mean, I was dumb enough to injure myself in the first place. I'm sure I'm dumb enough to hurt it more." You tried to get comfortable on the couch, but there was no use in trying. Your mind focused more on the pain in your ankle than trying to get comfortable.

"Well, stop being stupid and maybe you won't get hurt." He said and placed your foot back on the pillow. "Now, I'm gonna wrap your ankle with the bandage. I'll try to do it as gently as possible. Hold still." Betelgeuse said, starting to wrap the bandage slowly and slightly loose around your ankle. You winced a bit from the slight pain and he was taking his sweet time wrapping it around.

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