Chapter 4: A Ghostly Alliance

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"Hi, everyone." You awkwardly looked at everyone looking at you. You didn't like this kind of attention. It made you feel uncomfortable.

"Hello, I'm Adam and this is my wife Barbra." He and Barbra both reached out to shake your hand. "It's so nice to finally meet you."

"Yes, we're so happy to finally talk to you. We would have shown ourselves sooner but we weren't sure if you'd be able to see us or how'd you react to having two ghosts living with you." She came over to you smiling. She seemed pretty nice and was pretty. Betelgeuse was in the corner of the room watching with a blank expression. You could tell he was getting bored with these two.

"Also, we just wanted to say sorry about breaking the vase. We didn't know that would happen to you. And all of the other things we broke that you got blamed for. We're so so sorry. But we want to make it up to you. And we're going to. That's why we called Betelgeuse to help us, help you." Adam explained, nervously fidgeting with his fingers.

"Ahh, so you were the ones moving things around and breaking things. That makes a lot more sense. It's alright, I'm not mad. So basically you need him to teach you how to be scary and stuff?" You stood up. Betelgeuse looked at you cautiously as you did so.

Barbara was the one to answer. "Pretty much, yeah."

Betelgeuse suddenly spoke up and started floating in the air. "And they're not going to scare anyone if we just keep standing here. Now, (Y/n), what do you want us to do? Are we just going to make them run out of the house in fear or are we going to land in the murdering zone?"

Before you could answer, Adam suggested his idea. "Well, what I was thinking, we could go old school and hide behind a wall. Build up their fear by breaking their stuff and flickering the lights, and when they least expect it, we yell at them scary phrases." Barbra smiled at his plan and hugged him from behind.

Betelgeuse just stared at him with a blank stare, coming back down from floating. "First off, that's not going to do anything, it's a terrible plan. Second, I wasn't asking you. I was asking her. So, unless your name's (Y/n), shut it!" Adam fell silent and had a look of embarrassment plastered on his face. Betelgeuse let out a long sigh and focused his attention back on you. "So, what'll it be, babe? I'm starting to run out of patience with all of you."

You looked at Betelgeuse, then to Adam and Barbra, and looked down at your feet. You really didn't know. You hated your father. He's beaten you countless times. You've lost your trust in him, which was gone a long time ago. Then these three spirits come along and want to help you get rid of him. But could you kill your own father? No. You didn't believe you had it in you. Maybe under the right circumstances but now is not that time.

You also couldn't take the beating anymore. It was either this or die by his hand. You'd rather commit suicide than die by his hand. Which you've already given serious thoughts to a million times. Giving it one more thought, you made up your mind.

You turned to Betelgeuse, staring him in the eyes. "I don't wanna kill them. Not right now anyway. It's tempting but no. I just want you to get them out of the house and have them so scared, they'll never think about coming back."

Betelgeuse shrugged in amusement. "Sure kid, if that's what you want. But if you ever change your mind about that murder thing, I know how to make it look like an accident." He put an arm around your shoulder, bringing you in close to him, and faced Barbra and Adam. "You two. Let's get down to business. We have a lot of work to do." Betelgeuse stated to the ghostly couple. You started walking away and headed towards the attic door.

"(Y/n), where you going?" Barbra asked.

"I got some things I need to do first." You opened the door and started to leave.

"But wait, you didn't even say my name yet. How am I supposed to help you if you don't say my name?" He waved his hands in the air and then crossed them across his chest, brows furrowed.

"Calm down, I will. Just gotta wait for the right moment. Don't want you running loose or anything. You are a mischievous and wise-cracking demon after all." And with that, you disappeared behind the door. Betelgeuse looked after you as you left the room, annoyed and upset. Adam and Barbra looked at him, smug grins on their faces.

"She's a smart one. Let's keep her." Barbra looked at Adam who chuckled at your words and Betelgeuse's reaction.

"Shut up! She'll say my name. I know she will. Just give it time." He put his hands on his hips and snickered. "She's such a tease." He smirked at the door you exited through moments before.

You slowly went back downstairs to clean up the kitchen as best you could. You went into the bathroom and started healing your wounds. Putting ice on your bruises and Band-Aids on your cuts. You stared at yourself in the mirror, looking your body up and down. This is not what a 19-year-olds body should look like. It should look healthy. You thought that once your father was gone, you would need to get a job. You would need to pay for food and stuff. You were almost 20 so you would have to provide for yourself at some point. Might as well start now. And who knows, maybe someday. You and your brother would be reunited.

You heard the slamming of a door coming from down the hall. Your heart started racing. You hoped it was one of the three ghosts but you peeked from behind the bathroom door and saw your father and the other two standing in the hallway. You didn't know what to do. Definitely not what to say.

"(Y/n)!" He yelled, though, not as loud as earlier. "Come down here."

He was talking in a quieter tone. He wasn't shouting. You didn't know what to think of it. The three ghosts must have heard Joel call your name because all three of them were standing at the top of the stairs. You looked at Betelgeuse and he looked at you. He gave you a reassuring smile. It made you feel a little better, knowing that he and the other two would be here for you in case anything should happen. You then stepped out from behind the bathroom door and confronted the three and stood right in front of your father. You didn't look him in the eyes though. You couldn't bring yourself to do it.

"There you are. Go upstairs and get dressed. We're having guests over for dinner tonight. And you best be on your best behavior otherwise this night will not end well for you." He bent down to look you in the eye, staring daggers at you, and walked off. He slammed a door somewhere else in the house.

"And for God's sake, stop wearing all that black crap and actually put effort into your look. You look like you just came from a funeral. We got you something to wear for tonight and you better have it on. Though, no amount of pretty clothes could make you look even close to pretty." Eileen handed you a bag with a bright orange dress. You took it out and saw it was mostly just ruffles and bows, all orange. 'Who in their right mind wears this shit?' You thought. She and Bridget walked out of the room. You let out a long sigh in relief. You put a hand on your heart in an attempt to calm it down a little.

Betelgeuse walked up to you and leaned an elbow on your shoulder, looking down at the dress. "Well, that's hideous." He said in disgust.

"Well, you thinking what I'm thinking?" You looked up at him.

"I think we are." He smirked down at you and winked. This sent a small shiver down your spine and some blush spread on your cheeks. He chuckled and went back over to the Maitland's. "Okay, there's been a little change in plan."

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