Chapter 11: New Home! New Start!

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You woke up slowly, remembering everything that had happened the night before. Images of your father and the other two screaming and running out of the house. The guests also shrieking in terror. It put a grin on your face.

You stretched your arms, taking your sweet time getting up. Letting out a long, exasperated sigh, you threw off your blanket and sat up in bed. You lifted your foot to see how much your wound had healed, and it was healed, but the scar was still evident. There was no telling what you were going to do today. You had nothing to do. Of course, you'd have to get a job at some point so you could afford to still live in the house but that could wait a couple of days or weeks. 

All of a sudden, you heard a clattering sound coming from downstairs. Shocked and curious, you went downstairs to investigate. You stepped carefully on the steps and walked into the kitchen. There, you saw Betelgeuse on the floor with pans surrounding him on the floor. You stood there with your mouth hung open and your eyes wide. Soon, he noticed you watching him and quickly started cleaning up the pans.

"Umm, what's going on in here, Betelgeuse?" You leaned against the door frame, a hint of a smirk on your face.

"I, um, I was just going to make something.... for you. But then I slipped on a piece of damn debris from last night and fell while holding the pans." Betelgeuse put the pans on the counter and stood there awkwardly, one hand in his pocket and the other rubbing the back of his head. "Anyways, mornin' babe."

You chuckled slightly at his actions. "Good morning to you as well." Deciding you should probably get dressed, you started to walk back upstairs. Betelgeuse following close behind.

"So, since you're free today, have anything in mind you wanna do? You can do anything now. Including me." He winked at you, causing you to quickly look away and roll your eyes.

You dismissed his comment and kept walking to your room. "I'm just gonna take the day to relax. Relinquish in the fact that I'm actually able to relax." Once you got to your room, you shut the door and walked to your closet.

"Mind if I watch?" Betelgeuse said, watching you from the bed. He was laying on his stomach, head rested in his hands.

You put your hand on your hips, staring at him. "Get out."

"Fine," He looked disappointed. "If you need me, I'll be in the attic." And he left.

You quickly got dressed in your favorite clothes and got ready for the day. Your day of doing absolutely nothing. It was going to be great. You grabbed your wallet and phone, putting on your shoes in the process. It was time you were going to go out and get some food that you liked for a change. Then come back home and eat it all. You walked up to the attic to tell the others that you were going out for a bit. You knocked on the door to the attic.

"Come in." Said Barbara.

Walking in, you saw Barbara and Adam painting something on an old canvas. Betelgeuse was lying upside down on the couch. You smirked and walked in.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna head out for a short bit. I'll be back soon. I'm just gonna go get some food from the store, now that I can actually eat real food and not poorly cooked food."

"Alright, have fun. We'll be here when you get back!" Stated Adam, carefully brushing the paintbrush on his painting while sticking out his tongue. You giggled.

"Hurry back!" Announced Betelgeuse.

You then turned to Betelgeuse and smiled. "I will. See you guys in a bit then." And you walked out the door.

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