Chapter 13: It didn't mean anything......Unless?

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And so, the rest of the day, the four of you decorated the whole rest of the house, putting up lights in the basement, attic, living room, and your own bedroom. You threw away most of your family's old stuff and replaced them with things you found in the basement or the attic. Taking down the dreary pictures that were hanging up and replaced them with Barbara and Adam's paintings. Betelgeuse even hung up the child-like painting he had done and grinned ear to ear at seeing it on the wall. Just like a child would smile at his parents putting a drawing on the fridge.

With hard work and dedication, all cleaning and decorating was done by the end of the day. You wandered the halls of the house and it looked nothing like it was before. As if it was a different house. And the best part was none of it looked like something your 'not family' had.

You ran down to the basement and plugged in the Christmas lights, brightening up the whole room. Looking around, it looked amazing. You moved one of the couches from the living room upstairs to the basement and put all the blankets and pillows on top of it. Altogether, it was perfect. You walked to the couch and laid down, putting a pillow underneath your head. This would be your favorite place in the house.

The next thing you knew, you were broken out of your relaxing state by Betelgeuse lying down on top of you, facing upwards. "Betelgeuse get off of me. I was perfectly relaxing on the new couch and you've ruined it!" You yelled jokingly.

"I wanna relax too, though. You're not the only one who worked hard today." He stayed on top of you, getting comfy in his spot. You tried to push him off but it was no use, you were trapped underneath him.

"If you get off of me, I will cook whatever you want. Whatever you wanna eat, I'll make it." You offered.

"Nope, not good enough." He said. You couldn't see his face, but you could tell he was smiling that evil smile of his.

"What will it take for you to get off of me then?"

He thought for a moment. "How about being my girlfriend?"

Your eyes shot open wide and a slight blush rose to your cheeks. "Nope, no way. I'm only 19 and you're a demon. There's gotta be something else."

"Nope, 'fraid not." He chuckled out. You breathed out a sigh and then called for Barbara and Adam. Soon, the two spirits came down to the basement, seeing the scene happening.

"Uhh, what's going on down here, you two?" Asked Barbara, hands on her hips. Adam crossed his arms and gazed at the two of you.

"I was relaxing on the couch and he came down here and just lied on top of me. I kindly asked him to get off but he is refusing. Could you please control your demon?" I looked up at them, seeing them giggling slightly.

"Betelgeuse, get off of her." Said Adam as sternly as he could.

"Ugh fine! But in my defense, she did not say please and she refused to be my girlfriend! So technically we're both in the wrong." Betelgeuse crossed his arms as well and sat down on the reclining chair next to the couch.

Barbara and Adam both shook their head. "You two are going to be so much trouble already." Said Barbara and they both proceeded to go upstairs.

"Welp, on that note, I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." You said, getting up off the couch and heading towards the stairs. Turning off the lights in the process. As you reached the stairs, a hand touched your shoulder and you were suddenly in your bedroom. Dizziness befell you once again and you rested your head against the wall to steady you. "I said to warn me when you do that."

"Sorry, you'll get used to it eventually so you won't feel the dizziness anymore," Betelgeuse said, nervously rubbing his hands together.

You shrugged it off, walking to your closest and taking out some pajamas. "You're welcome to leave now." You turned to Betelgeuse, waiting for him to leave so you could get changed. Betelgeuse then walked up to you and put his hands on your shoulders once again, but this time instead of teleporting you, he lightly kissed your cheek. You froze in your spot, unsure of what to do at that moment.

"Goodnight," Was all he said and then teleported himself back to the attic. You stayed in your frozen position for a few minutes, trying to understand what just happened. Soon, you snapped out of your trance-like state and put your pajamas on. Crawling under the sheets and blankets, you thought of the new decor of the house and Betelgeuse kissing your cheek.

Why'd he do that? It was so out of the ordinary. And he is anything but ordinary. What'd it mean though? It probably meant nothing. Just some type of apology for laying on top of me or something. That's all. I thought before drifting off to sleep, wrapping myself like a burrito in all the blankets.

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