Chapter 5: Super Evil Plans!

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Four hours had passed by and you were getting ready for dinner. You held up the dress you were told to wear and grimaced. It was one of the most hideous dresses you had ever seen. It looked like it wouldn't even fit you right. It looked way too small for you to fit. As if it was meant for a pre-teen girl. You tossed it on your bed and went over to your dresser beside your bed. You took out a picture of your brother and looked down at it. You smiled.

Your brother was on a sled that was way too small for him, meant for a child when he was 21 in the photo. He had fallen off and got snow all over his face. Your eyes began to fill with tears.

"I'll see you again someday, Jackson. I promise. I won't let our friendship go to waste. Just give me some time." You whispered to yourself and put it back in the drawer. Before closing the drawer, you took out a small piece of paper. You wiped the tears from your eyes and stood up only to see Betelgeuse in the reflection of your full-length mirror. You quickly wiped your eyes again then spun around, plastering a smile on your face. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be prepping the Maitlands for tonight?"

Betelgeuse stared at you for a moment before speaking. "Yeah, about that. They will be helping but they're only going to have a small part in it. It'll mostly be me."

"What? How come?" You sniffled a little.

"Uhh, well, to put it short. They can't scare for shit. They couldn't scare to save their lives. Or dead lives I guess. They are dreadfully boring and lame, as always, so I gave up. But, they'll still do something at the beginning that should set your 'not family' and their snooty friends screaming intensely." He stated proudly.

"What are they gonna do if they can't scare?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." He said.

You rolled your eyes at him. "Umm, I have this for you. Something that might help you out tonight."

"What is it?" He looked down at the piece of paper you handed to him.

"It's a list of things my father has ever been remotely frightened or scared of over the years. I created this list back when he still acted like a father but it never came in handy until tonight." He scanned the words on the paper, smirking an evil smile.

"This is perfect. Now I know how to really get him running for his pathetic life!" He laughed. You then went into the bathroom with the dress and shut the door, locking it in the process. He started pondering, coming up with an idea. He looked down at his hand and pretended he was examining his nails. "You know (Y/n), I don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm an expert in many things. I mean, I'm about 600 years old. You're bound to pick up a few hobbies." He said from outside of the bathroom.

"Is that so?" You said from the other side.

"Sure is."

"And just what would some of these hobbies include?" You chuckled.

"Oh you know, the normal stuff. Three, in particular, I think you'd be into. Though, I'll keep the third one a secret for now." He said mischievously.

"And those other two would be?"

"Killing and murder." He grinned.

"Betelgeuse, no." You sternly said.

He whined. "Oh come on, let me kill your dad!"

"No, I don't want him dead. I just want him gone. There will be no killing, promise?"

"I only make deals, cute stuff. No promises. If you come out here, I'll make you a deal you'll never forget." He leaned up against the door and laid his head back. There was no response from the other side of the door. He knocked on the door and said 'hello' but there was still no answer. "Hey kid, you alright in there? Is it too soon for cute nicknames? I suppose we can start slow if you want to. Hello?"

"I'm killing myself. Tonight." You finally answered.

"What? What are you talking about? What are you doing in there?" He pressed his ear against the door.

"I can't do this..."

"That's it, I'm coming in." He waited a moment before hesitantly opening the door slowly. He saw you in front of the mirror and his eyes went wide. "What in the hell?"

"I know." You couldn't believe you had to wear this orange atrocity tonight. In front of people. And pretend to like it and act as if you were enjoying yourself. "This is going to be a painful night."

"Don't worry, it won't last long. I'll start doing what I do best when you guys start eating. I just gotta make sure Adam and Barbara know exactly what they have to do first and when to do it. Then the fun happens."

"Alright, sounds like a plan." You said and started walking slowly towards the door, dragging your feet while walking.

"Whoa whoa whoa hold up one moment, carrot cake. You're forgetting something. You've. Got. To. Say. My. Name!" He put his arms down by his side and stood in front of the door, preventing you from leaving.

"I will. I promise. I've got a plan in mind. And I think it'll be something we'll both equally enjoy." You walked closer to him, now only mear feet away from each other.

"Fine, but this is the last time I'm letting this slide. You do it one more time and I am leaving you with the Lamelands in the attic." He indicated, disappearing into thin air. You had already covered what you could of the cuts and bruises on your arms and ran a brush through your hair. You opened the door with as much courage as you had left, stepped out into the hall, and made your way to the kitchen. You could only imagine what kinds of things were going to go down tonight.

Saved by the Dead (Beetlejuice X FemReader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt