Chapter 8: It's Showtime!!

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Had he only pretended to care for you so that he could get you to say his name to set him free? You couldn't believe it. You glanced towards Adam and Barbra who shrugged, not knowing where he went either. He had abandoned you. He was playing nice all along. And you thought he actually wanted to help you. Guess you were wrong. Not that you were really surprised; you barely knew him and didn't really expect to be your friend. After all, what else would you expect from a demon?

"THAT'S IT!" And for a final time, the board came flying down at your face. You looked away expecting pain but then a large puff of smoke came from nowhere. You couldn't see through it. You coughed a little and squinted to see through the smoke. Once the smoke cleared a little, you could see Betelgeuse on top of your father, holding the board to prevent it from hitting you. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?"

"I'm a fate worse than death. And unfortunately for you, you've made me exceedingly angry. Fortunately for me, I get to do something about it." Betelgeuse threatened. You did not like the look on Betelgeuse's face. It scared you. He grinned a sickeningly wide grin and there was murderous intent in his eyes. He looked like a raging serial killer set free from 30 years in prison. Betelgeuse glared into Joel's eyes, and Betelgeuse's face horrified your father.

His face moved out of view so you couldn't see what Betelgeuse's face looked like anymore, but judging by the look on your father's face looking up at him, you didn't want to see it. Betelgeuse lifted his fist up and planted it deep within the side of Joel's face. He punched him so hard, that a red mark was instantly left on his cheek. Betelgeuse hit him a couple more times across the face and you just stared at him in amazement. You liked seeing your father be the one to get beat up for once. Seeing him in pain. And for some reason, you liked it being Betelgeuse beating him up.

"Okay, what the hell is happening in this house?" The Asian woman spoke up. Betelgeuse kept his gaze on your father, you looking at Betelgeuse. Barbara held on to Adam, him wrapping an arm around her.

"Well, look at the time, it's getting pretty late. I should probably get home." Quincy announced and was about to open the kitchen door but Betelgeuse waved his hand and slammed the door hard, locking it in the process, never looking up.

"Oh, I don't think so. You're staying right here. No one leaves." He kept his gaze and hold on Joel.

"Why is that? We did nothing!" He yelled.

"Because..." He snapped his head quickly, the same expression on his face. You looked at him, worried and a little scared. You were starting to regret saying his name. You had no idea what would happen. But the words Betelgeuse let out next made her feel a little excited and nervous. "It's showtime!" He possessed everyone, except you and the Maitland's, to sit in a chair at the table. "Now everyone shut up!" He put a hand up in the air and motioned his hand as if he was throwing something at them all. Next thing you knew, all of them had their mouths covered with metal. All the doors in the room slammed shut with a flick of his finger and all were locked.

You rushed over to Adam and Barbra and they wrapped their arms around you in protection. You looked at Betelgeuse possessing everyone and wasn't quite sure what to think of it. Sure they might have deserved it but how far would he go with it? Now that he's free, he can do anything he wants. There's no telling what he might do being free. A slight wind had picked up inside of the house, blowing your hair around.

Betelgeuse looked back to where you stood, seeing you wipe the hair out of your face. Suddenly, he pointed his finger to you and flipped his index finger upwards. This caused you to be sent flying towards him, your feet never leaving the ground. You were soon standing right next to Betelgeuse, his stature towering over you slightly and his arm was tightly wrapped around your waist. He held on tight to you to keep you from flying across the room. You caught a whiff of his scent and he surprisingly didn't smell like how you think a 600-year-old demon would smell like. He smelled of soil and dirt, which wasn't the best smell but you expected worse.

You couldn't quite tell, but it looked as if the color of the room had slightly changed. Bridget started screaming as the wind was blowing and she tried desperately to break free from the invisible hold Betelgeuse had on them. Napkins and objects started flying across the room, people getting hit in the head with multiple objects.

"You see this, (Y/n)? This is what revenge looks like. At least the starting part of it. This is just the beginning of a beautiful team. A team the world's never seen before." He brought you in closer and took pride in his actions so far. "Let's get this show on the road, huh?" They were all transported to a race track and everyone who was once sitting at the table was tied by a rope and were laid down on the track. Off to the right, giant monster trucks were lined up, ready to go. The engines were turned on and they started driving towards them. Betelgeuse and you were watching off to the side, Betelgeuse smiling ear to ear. You looked panicked.

You grasped on to Betelgeuse's striped blazer tightly, which Betelgeuse seemed to enjoy. "They're not actually gonna get ran over are they?"

"Nah, don't worry, babe. It's just to give 'em a little scare. Watch!" He turned you around, hands on your shoulders, and stood behind you as you both watched the scene unfold. You watched as the trucks started racing towards them at full speed. You wanted to look away but at the same time, you couldn't tear your eyes away. They got closer and closer. As they got mere feet from each other, you heard the screams of the people on the track and you jumped and turned away, digging your face into Betelgeuse's chest. He looked down at you, surprised at first but he let a small smile escape. "Okay, you can look now." He said.

You looked to the track, expecting smashed bodies, only to be showed them all still tied up, screaming and rolling around. You smirked at the sight. The sight of your father screaming in terror of almost having been roadkill, rolling around on the floor with the others, gave you so much joy. You gave a small chuckle but quickly hid it.

"No, don't hide your laugh. That's why I did this. Have a good time. Let it out and enjoy yourself for the first time!" Betelgeuse said. You looked down at your father again and this time you full out belted out in laughter. Betelgeuse started laughing along with you. Both were hysterically laughing at the sound of their screams and each other's laughs. He snapped his fingers and they were all sitting back down at the table in the dining room. They were all red in the face and freaking out.

"W-what was that? What just happened?" Eileen tried standing but fell to the ground due to the intensity of the fear. They all tried to make sense of what just happened but there was no explanation. It was as if they were transported into a nightmare and were quickly woken up from it. You and Betelgeuse kept laughing, your stomach hurting from so much laughter. 

Saved by the Dead (Beetlejuice X FemReader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz