Chapter 10: The Sound of Sweet Revenge

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You laughed at the guests running away in fear of everything that's going on. It did feel good to be getting revenge after all of these years of pain and torture. You had no idea what your life will be like after this but it must be better than how your life was before. 

"Enjoying yourself I hope." Betelgeuse leaned an elbow on your shoulder. He looked down at you with a small smile.

"This is amazing. I had no idea this was going to be so much fun. I hope after tonight, I never have to see his face ever again. Or any of them for that matter." You looked up at Betelgeuse with pure joy.

You then heard screams coming from the living room. You smirked a little and ran quickly to the sound. You stood in the doorway of the living room and saw your father, Eileen, and Bridget huddled in a corner. Cornered by what seemed to be murderous clowns. Each clown had a sickening grin and blood smeared on the weapons they had and their outfits.

All three of them were trying to budge to the back, wanting the other ones to get captured by the clowns first. But there was no use to it as they were making no progress. The only way of escape that wasn't blocked by a clown was the front doorway. Joel grabbed Eileen's hand, who held on to Bridget's hand, and they all ran as fast as they could out the front door. A few clowns chased them out the door, making sure they were far away from the house, while the other clowns disappeared. All but one. It stood there staring at you with a machete in hand, blood covering the tip of it. Betelgeuse was nowhere to be seen. Adam and Barbara, not wanting to be a big part of Betelgeuse's evil plan, had also wandered off. 

You backed away from the clown, thinking that if you showed you surrendered, it would lose interest in you. It kept walking towards you in a slow and dreary manner, each footstep making it closer to you. You felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and soon, there was nowhere else you could go because you too were now backed into a corner. You went as far back as you could but there was no use, it's not as if you could morph through walls.

As the clown put his hands on both sides of you, trapping you in, you closed your eyes. Ready for what was to come next. After a moment of silence, you peeked through one of your eyes and were surprised to be face to face with Betelgeuse. Your eyes shot up and you pushed him away forcefully, but not enough to cause him to fall.

"You jerk! I thought you were an actual clown." You stormed away from him, a slight blush on your face from embarrassment.

"I was. Don't be fooled by outer appearances." He said, chuckling a little from your reaction. After a moment of silence, you turned to Betelgeuse. There was still silence. They were gone. Your father was finally gone. "Do ya hear that sound?"

"No? What sound?" Your eyes furrowed in confusion, hearing nothing.

"Exactly. They're gone. The clowns chased them away. You're free. It's our house now, baby!" He looked eagerly at you. You looked around, realizing again that you were now free from your father and almost step-mother and sister. You grinned at Betelgeuse, a look of pure happiness in your eyes. It gave Betelgeuse great pleasure to see you like that. Betelgeuse opened his arms, letting you come to him in a joyous hug. You hesitated for a moment but soon ran over to him on the other side of the room and let him wrap you in his arms.

He spun you around in the air a couple of times before letting you back down on the ground, the hug continuing. You didn't want to let go. It had been so so long since you had had a real, long-lasting hug. And Betelgeuse knew that, causing him to hold on to you tighter. He would never admit it to anyone, but he too did not want to let go. Tears started softly rolling down your eyes because you knew you wouldn't have to go through any more mistreatment. You would never have to be abused ever again. You can finally live your own life.

"Thank you, Betelgeuse. So much. You set me free." You closed her eyes in the hug.

"No problem, kid. I was happy to help. And you know what? You set me free too." He said smiling down at you. You heard the sound of creaking stairs and you immediately jumped back from Betelgeuse. He looked shocked and taken aback. Adam and Barbara came back down from the attic, walking over to the two of you in the living room.

"We did it, you finally got rid of them! Congratulations, (Y/n)!" Said Barbara, hugging you tightly.

"We're very sorry you were put into that whole mess in the first place but it's over now. You don't have to be scared anymore." Stated Adam, also giving you a hug. Betelgeuse had gone to sit on the couch, arms spread wide on the back of it.

"Thank you, all three of you for all that you've done. I don't know what would've happened to me if you guys had never shown yourselves to me."

"We were happy to help. Listen, you've had a long day, we all have. It's probably best if you went upstairs and got some rest." Barbara suggested.

"Yeah, it's probably for the best." And with that, you said goodnight to the ghost couple and the demon and went to bed. While lying under the blankets, you thought of how much your life had changed in just a couple of days. You hoped Adam, Barbara, and even Betelgeuse would stay in your life after that whole mess. Besides your brother, who was not in your life right now, those three were the closest you had to friends. As strange as it may be, you could see yourself living with them and being friends.

So many things crossed your mind that night as you drifted off to sleep. Knowing you could sleep in in the morning and not have anything to do, you breathed out a sigh of relief and let sleep take over.

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