Chapter 3: New Friends...??

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*The next morning*

There was a loud noise coming from the kitchen. You were laying in bed with your foot still in pain. You heard clattering and clinging in the kitchen. Your eyes widened and you quickly shot out of bed. You limped as fast as you could to the door and opened it quickly. You raced to the kitchen on one good foot and one in pain. Stopping outside of the kitchen door, you hoped and prayed it wasn't your father. Your hands were shaking and felt a prickle of dread. You turned around slowly, feeling an all too familiar feeling. Behind you was Betelgeuse, leaning against the wall.

"Hiya, babes. Whatcha doing?" He walked over to you.

"Go away, this is not the time for this." You pressed your ear to the door.

"Actually, it's the perfect time for this. It's close to noon and you have a decision to make." He crossed his arms, looking at you from his position on the wall. Betelgeuse was just about to say something else when he was stopped by furious yelling.

"I'M GONNA BEAT HER ASS WHEN I SEE HER!" Joel screamed from the kitchen.

"Oh no." You were paralyzed in fear. You took a small step away from the door.

"What? What's happening?" Betelgeuse asked, confused as to why you looked so scared.

"Betelgeuse, leave now. Please." You took another step backward. You knew that this one was going to be a close second to death.

"No, not until you give me an answer."

"Betelgeuse!" You yelled. He looked at you in shock and puzzlement. Then, all of a sudden, the kitchen door slammed open. Both you and Betelgeuse snapped your heads to the slammed door. Betelgeuse scanned the man up and down and grimaced. He then looked at you, who was petrified. Betelgeuse then understood why Adam and Barbra asked for his help. They wanted to help you with this maniac. That also would explain all the bruises on your arms. Betelgeuse turned to look down at you.

"(Y/n), say my name." You didn't move. All you did was stand there, head down. You weren't able to run and he couldn't teleport you out of there unless you said his name.


"No, no...please." Tears started running down your face, which would only make the situation worse. Betelgeuse had worry in his eyes. If he was alive, his heart would be beating so fast at this moment.

"Now you're going to cry? I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT." He screamed. He slapped you hard across the face. You squealed, trying to hold in a scream. He laughed at you as a red mark started forming on your cheek. You could see Bridget and Eileen standing in the kitchen. Watching the scene unfold. It was humiliating.

"Babe, come on. You gotta say my name now. Just three simple words. Please." Betelgeuse pleaded you. You didn't say anything. Joel grabbed you by the hair tightly and tossed your body to the floor. You could definitely feel something bruising or breaking. Or both. You gritted your teeth to keep you from screaming. Screaming only makes it worse. He yanked you back up by the collar of your shirt and slapped you repeatedly across the face on both sides. Betelgeuse watched in shock but couldn't do anything about it. You had to say his name in order for him to help you. "(Y/n)!"

Joel punched you several times in the stomach, causing blood to start coming out of your mouth. He tossed you to the ground once more, kicked you in the back, and left you on the floor. Bridget and Eileen followed him, stepping over your limp body. Betelgeuse stared at you in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. He thought he was called to help you with annoying parents, not this. You hunched over and coughed up blood on the ground. Not a whole lot but enough to make Betelgeuse rush to your aid.

"Why the hell didn't you say it? I could have prevented this from happening. You wouldn't be coughing blood if you would have just said my name like I told you to!" Betelgeuse patted your back.

"I'm fine, it's happened before. I usually go hide in the basement or attic after this happens anyway. I'm safe there. For the most part anyway." You attempted at standing and halfway you fell down. Betelgeuse wrapped one of your arms around his shoulder and helped you get up the stairs. He brought you to the attic and lays you down on an old sofa. You were holding your stomach in pain. Betelgeuse looked around for something. "What are you looking for?"

"Adam and Barbra. They're usually always up here. Alright, just wait here. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." And with that, he disappeared behind the door to the attic. You looked around the attic and noticed a blanket on a nearby chair. You did your best to walk slowly to the chair and grab the blanket. You limped back over to the couch and laid down, throwing the blanket on top of you. You positioned yourself to where your body wouldn't hurt as much and took a small nap until Betelgeuse came back. You hadn't quite settled on a solid opinion on him yet. He seemed like he really wanted to help, but he was also a demon of a sort and showed up out of nowhere. Why would he want to help you? What was in it for him? You soon drifted off to an almost peaceful, yet painful, sleep.

. . .

"No, you can't do that. This is her decision. We can't just force her to help kill her own father. I mean, he's still family to her." You woke to the voice of a woman.

"Actually, she told me that she doesn't consider any of them, including her father, like family. They're her "not family." Betelgeuse said, quoting what you said earlier that day. You recognized that voice, that raspy tone in his voice, you knew it was Betelgeuse. You kept your eyes shut, pretending to still be asleep.

"Yes, but by blood, he is still family. It really is (Y/n)'s decision. Whatever she wants us to do, we'll do it. But not without her permission." Another male voice said from the other side of the room. You could hear his footsteps approaching you next to the sofa. You heard him stop right in front of you. You kept your eyes closed tight.

"Adam, you're supposed to be on my side. Ugh, fine, we'll just wait until (Y/n) gets up so she can decide what happens. I'm sick of this arguing." Betelgeuse sat on the armrest of the couch.

"Agreed. I just hope she gets up soon. What if her father sees her sleeping up here and beats her again? I don't think I could see that." The woman, Barbra, said. She rested her head on Adam's chest and Adam wrapped his arms around her. Comforting her. Betelgeuse rolled his eyes at the sight of them and looked down at you. 

He couldn't understand why you didn't say his name when you were getting beaten by that psycho. He didn't know why, but it filled him with rage not being able to do anything. Not being able to make him suffer instead of you being the one to take the punches. Betelgeuse kept his eyes on you the entire time while you were sleeping.

You decided it was time to open your eyes and tell them what you were thinking. And also meet the ghosts that have been living in the attic all this time. Slowly, your eyes fluttered open and Betelgeuse jumped up and quickly looked away. You took your time sitting up, breathing steadily on the way up, which made the pain of sitting up lessen.

You looked at Betelgeuse and nodded in a 'hello', to which he just responded with a slight smile and nod. You then glanced over at the other two. They were not what you were expecting. They looked so normal, both wearing matching clothing. Barbra was wearing a green dress and Adam was wearing a green plaid shirt with tan pants. They seemed nice from what you heard moments before. 

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