Chapter 6: Just Getting Started...

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"Hello, come on in! We're so happy to have you in our home." Eileen was smiling ear to ear, greeting all the guests as they walked in. The grin on her face was so big, it was obvious she was faking it. "Since we're all here, would you like to start eating? We've got the food all prepped and ready."

"Sure, might as well eat now before it gets too cold. And wouldn't it be a shame if all that food had to go to waste?" The lady with blonde hair said, saying the last part sarcastically and going into the kitchen. Her husband, who was much shorter followed her. They were an odd couple for sure. Next was Eileen's long term friend named Quincy, who followed them. Followed by an Asian woman who seemed the most normal out of the group.

As they all stepped into the kitchen, they were blasted with the smell of stew, pork chops, and a questionable casserole. The table was set and looked as if it should be in a furniture magazine instead of an actual home. The group was only slightly impressed by the setting of the table.

"Everyone," Joel was the one to speak this time. It was as if he was a completely different person. "You may sit where you'd like and dinner will be served in just a moment." He stepped outside of the kitchen and called for you. 

This was it. The moment you were dreading. You might call Betelgeuse's name sooner than you planned. No! You had to stick to the plan. You've gotta get through this for a little while, and then hopefully, with the help of the Maitlands and Betelgeuse, it'll all be over. You just had to stick with it for a short while. So, you emerged from your room with the frilly orange dress and started walking down the stairs hesitantly. You reached the bottom of the stairs where your father greeted you. He didn't look like your father. He looked like a complete stranger in a suit.

"Listen carefully, you are to serve them food and then sit down and shut your mouth. You are not to speak a word unless I tell you to do so or unless spoken to. After dinner, you will disappear into your room and not come out until the guests leave. Then you do the dishes. Got it?" He grabbed your hair and pulled your head back.

"Yes, yes, understood."

"Good, now get in there and serve!" He shoved you into the kitchen. Everyone turned their heads at you the second you got in the door. "Everyone, this is my lovely daughter, (Y/n)." You awkwardly waved at them and you started setting all the food on the table.

For the first 10 minutes into the meal, no one said a word. In order for your idea to work, there needs to be some kind of conversation. But you couldn't start one. You recalled your conversation with your father moments before dinner started. As you sat in your seat, thinking of ways you could get a conversation to start, an idea had struck you. You were kind of nervous about it but it's the best you could come up with.

Without saying a word, you slowly got up from your seat and proceeded to walk to your father. He watched you carefully, eyes furrowed. You whispered, without looking into his eyes, afraid. "May I use the restroom?" You were hoping he'd say yes.

He thought for a moment but answered quickly. "Fine, but be quick. You're serving dessert too."

You nodded, keeping your head down. You hurried out of the kitchen and when you were completely out of sight, you ran upstairs to the attic. You knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. It was Adam who opened the door. You quickly walked into the room, feeling all eyes on you, and began explaining. Betelgeuse listened intently.

"Okay, Adam and Barbra, I need your help. You see, in order for my plan to work, there needs to be a conversation at the table so that I can begin talking trash about my father in front of everybody. When my father starts beating me up in front of everyone, that's when I say Betelgeuse's name three times, letting him do what he needs to do. But, there is no conversation happening at all for me to do that. It's been 11 minutes and nothing. And since Betelgeuse can't possess them right now, I need you two to possess two of them and make them talk about something. Anything to get a conversation going. You think you can do that?" You explained.

"Uhh well, I'm not sure. We haven't possessed someone in a long while. Betelgeuse, how do you do that possession stuff again?" Barbra said, looking over at Betelgeuse for instruction.

"It's really not that hard. Any ghost can do possession. Just go up to the person you want to possess, basically walk inside of them and get inside their mind. Then you can make them do whatever you want." He said, laying his head down on the couch, his arms covering his eyes.

"Alright, sounds simple enough. Let's try it!" Barbara excitedly looked at Adam.

"Yes, let's possess ourselves some people," Adam said. And so the three of them went on their way downstairs, but you stayed behind for a moment.

"Betelgeuse? Aren't you going to come down?" You asked him.

"I will when I'm needed." He said, not looking in your direction. You looked at him, slightly concerned, but you closed the door behind you. Betelgeuse looked at the closed door, up to the ceiling, and sighed. "Someday I'll get my chance. And hopefully, that'll be today." He said to himself and dozed off on the sofa.

You quietly walked back into the kitchen, head down. Right before walking in, you told Adam to possess your father and Barbra to possess her father's snobby girlfriend. Now all you had to do was wait. It was still silent for minutes until Eileen started speaking. And with just one word, the plan was in the works.

"Attention everyone, attention," Eileen spoke aloud. "I would like to address a little issue I've noticed these past couple of months living in this wonderful house." Everyone looked at her, Joel a bit perplexed by her speaking up. Eileen paused a moment, eyes wide in confusion. She didn't understand why she just spoke. She wasn't even thinking about speaking, it just came out of her. She stood up suddenly, unable to control her own body and mind.

"Yes, what is it, Eileen?" Joel questioned, looking up at his girlfriend.

Eileen fell silent, not sure what was happening to her. Bridget scrunched up her nose at her mom, she knew her mom very rarely spoke up at the table. You just smirked at them all, knowing exactly what was going on. Bridget saw the smirk and started getting suspicious. Eileen saw all eyes on her, she had to say something. Anything.

"Uh, well, I just wanted to say that I am....very happy to have all of you here tonight." She smiled gratefully at them all and sat back down in her seat. Joel and Bridget looked at each other with furrowed brows, mouths hung open. Eileen sighed in relief but not a second after she sat down, she stood right back up again and started shouting at the top of her lungs. She stood there just screaming at the ceiling and everyone around the table, including you, covered their ears. It lasted a whole minute and then stopped abruptly. "What is happening to me? That wasn't me, I swear!"

The guests all looked at her strangely, definitely not enjoying themselves anymore. As if they ever were. "Eileen, what is this shenanigan you're trying to pull? You sound like a banshee who just saw itself in the mirror." Quincy said from across the table, unimpressed.

"It's not me. Something is in my body and is controlling what I do and say, I swear! Would I ever randomly do this?" The whole room went silent while she laughed awkwardly.

"Eileen, dear, I think you should just sit down. Calm down a little." Joel said, sitting her back in her seat. Eileen just sat there dumbfounded. "Good, now that that's over, would anyone want dessert?" He motioned for you to go get the dessert. She quickly exited the dining room and went into the kitchen and grabbed some weird fudge looking dessert that didn't look very appetizing.

"Barbra, can you hear me?" You spoke to yourself in the kitchen. Out of the corner of the room, both of the Maitlands appeared. "Barbra, that screaming was so good. Keep it up. Adam, time to start possessing my father, and do the best you can to humiliate him." You said. Barbara smiled at the compliment and Adam nodded.

"Got it! I'll do the best I can do." Adam stated. You nodded and brought the dish out to the dining room and sat it in the middle of the table, now waiting for Adam to start possessing. 

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