11 - Out of the comfort zone.

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The night was over as quick as it came, and I found myself waking up to the sunlight spilling out through my blinds and onto my face. I let out a long groan remembering I still hadn't texted Sawyer yet- I must've stared at the phone number for ages until I accidentally drifted off. But no more procrastinating, today will be the day. I don't know why I'm making a big fuss out of it all, it's not like I have a crush on him or anything. I shook my head and began to slowly stir out from the bed covers. Luckily Juniper didn't wake me up this time... wait that's odd. Where's Juniper? What time even is it? I immediately check my phone on my bedside table.
"ITS 1PM?? SHIT IM SUPPOSED TO BE AT PRACTISE RIGHT NOW" I leapt out of bed and threw on the first pair of clothes I laid my eyes on. Quickly ruffling my hair in the mirror, I grabbed my phone and rang Juniper. "Come on Juni ANSWER!" I yelled through the ringing noise of my phone, as if that would do anything. To my surprise though, she eventually did pick up.
"Ughhhh what is itttt?" Juniper sighed. "Where are you actually? I got here before you and I don't even play ice hockey."
"WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP??" I shouted down the phone speaker, whilst trying to put socks on at the same time.
"Omg calm down I did wake you up, it's not my fault if you fell back asleep."
"YOU COULD'VE DONE A BETTER JOB THEN!! WE LITERALLY LIVE IN THE SAME HOTEL ROOM" Slipping my shoes on as quick as I can, I rushed out the door, also shoving a breakfast bar into my mouth.
"Jeez why should I care?" And just like that, she hung up on me. What a cow.

I finally got to practise, and the team were pretty pissed at me, but I guess I deserved that. Whoops.
"Mannnn we've been waiting for youuuu where've you been?" Preston whined, as soon as he saw me.
"I'm so sorry I must've loss track of time!" I apologised to the team, all whilst glaring at Juniper, who was sat on her phone with a smug expression on her face.

After a few hours of practise, we were finally dismissed and finished for the day. I was so excited to get back to bed, and have a relaxing evening. Sometimes I wonder if Juniper can read my mind and purposely sabotages my plans.
"Guysssss what if we had a party tonight? At me and Grey's hotel room??" Juniper suddenly piped up. Are you kidding me?! Hopefully the other guys can't make it tonight.
"A party?? IM IN!!" Preston exclaimed, his eyes lighting up at the word "party".
"Count me in!"
"I'll bring the alcohol!!"
"Yesssss sounds like fun!"
"I guess I'll come, but only for the alcohol."
Great. What a way to ruin my evening, congratulations again Juniper. Me and June made our way to our hotel room, to which as soon as the door closed shut I unleashed hell upon her.
"WHY DID YOU DO THAT??" I yelled- clearly this whole finding friendship thing is definitely not working out.
"Jeez, don't be such a bore. I'm just trying to spice up the trip a little so it's not all filled with boring ice hockey."
"What the fuck?? We are here BECAUSE of ice hockey!!"
"Whatever. And invite that hottie we met yesterday for meeeee!" And with that, she skipped off to her bedroom to get ready for the party. I felt my cheeks flush, as I remembered. SHIT. I still need to text Sawyer.

I feel like I'm 14 again, struggling to find the courage to confront someone. However, I'm not 14, and that 'someone' is a guy. I don't know what's going on with me, but it's probably just because I've never met anyone like him before. There's nothing else going on here. I continued to stare at the same phone number, almost hoping that a miracle would happen and he would text me first. But of course, that didn't happen. I spent half an hour planning and typing out different messages, but the result was always the same- I'd delete them all.
"Hey Sawyer, it's me Greyson, the guy that found your cat :). I know we don't really know each other that much, but I was wondering if you wanted to join me and my friends at a party in our hotel? It'll be fun I promise :)" Reading it out loud made me realise how creepy I sounded. I moved my thumb to delete the message, but I accidentally clicked on a different button instead. I accidentally sent the damn message. "SHIT!! How do you delete a message?!" I frantically searched everywhere to get rid of it, but before I could press anything, I saw the one word I didn't want to see right now. The word "read" was underneath the message I had sent. Damnit. I groaned and threw my phone across my bed. He's gonna think I'm such a weirdo, confronting him like that. I bet he's left me on read- he probably couldn't be bothered to respond because of how creepy I sound. I really fucked this up didnt I? I laid on my bed face first into my pillow, not daring to check my phone. An embarrassed mess, my head perked up hearing the ping of a notification. Do I check it? I stared at my phone, which was laying on the other side of my bed, hoping that somehow it would magically move towards me without me touching it. Gingerly, i reached my hand out to my phone to check what the notification was. Every ounce of my body was hoping it was Sawyer. Curse you Juniper. The only notification my phone had received was Juniper telling me to "hurry the fuck up" and that everyone will be arriving soon. I groaned, and returned to my position of laying my face into my bed.

Take him, he's yours.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang