Change in Plans

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Vegeta's POV:
Never did I think I would settle down, at any point in my life. Everything changed when I met Kitsune. She's my better half. And I can honestly say that without feeling too sappy. She is now my wife. I have a wife. Vegeta, the Prince of Saiyans, is a married man. Not that I have second thoughts, but what is it with earthlings and getting married? What's the big deal? On planet Vegeta, we just kind of picked mates. In my case, mine sort of picked me. The Dragonballs, rather, picked us to be together. Anyways, earthlings do this thing after a wedding called a "Honeymoon"? Would we fly to a moon made of honey? That sounds bizzare! Kitsune booked us a flight to 'Bora Bora', where or whatever the hell is. God forbid we fly there ourselves since we know how. She explained that it was part of the 'vacation' experience....and that she didn't feel like carrying her luggage. I just scoffed at her and shook my head. She showed me pictures of the place, and I will admit that it was quite scenic. Clear waters, which was good in case Kitsune decided to take a dip and hit her head again. I could find her a lot easier since I no longer had a scouter. Each couple are going to two different destinations. We decided not to tell one another where exactly we were going for more privacy. Our flights left at around the same time. The woman bought me this god-awful shirt with trees and flowers on it. She called it a 'tourist' shirt. It's truly hideous. She says it's supposed to be. "You mean to tell me people buy these knowing how grotesque they look, and still WEAR them??" I ask. She nods. "What are you people on??" I exclaim holding up the shirt. I put on the stupid thing and continue packing. Once packed, Kitsune and I told our friends goodbye and parted ways with them. We get to this thing called an 'airport' which holds the carrying vehicle we would be taking to this 'Bora-Bora'. The way Kitsune described it made it seem much like a Saiyan pod that brought me to earth. "Only it holds more people, and can't travel through space." She explained. I fold my arms. "Seems rather pointless. Earthlings are so lazy." I say. She gasps and hits my arm. She must've forgotten my muscle density because she quickly pulled her hand away and shook it out. I smirk. "Are you ok?" I ask. She shoots me a glare and continues tending to her fist. We sit and wait for the flight to board. I'm too impatient for this. If needed be, I'll carry all of our bags and we can fly there ourselves! Fifteen minutes later, an announcement came on "Flight 284, Bora-Bora, has been canceled due to inclement weather. See service desk for more information." I look down at our ticket, 'flight 284: Bora-Bora' I look forward and my eye begins to twitch. "Vegeta...?" I hear the woman say. I quickly stand up getting ready to rip into whoever made that announcement, but she grabs my hand. "Don't, Vegeta. It's fine. I'll go talk to the service desk. Just sit right here and watch our stuff." She says softly and gets up. I growl and clench my jaw. She lets go of my hand and I slump back down, arms crossed. I watch her walk over to a booth and speak with an adviser there. People started crowding behind her. I'm guessing they would've been on our flight too. I almost couldn't see her. She was so small. But her size could fool anyone. She was a firecracker. She makes her way back over to me. "Well?" I ask. "So, the flight won't we back up till a couple more days..." My twitch comes back. "A COUPLE MORE DAYS???" I shout. People turn and stare. I snap my head at them. "What are you people looking at??" They quickly look away and inch from us. Kitsune grabs my shoulders "If you could quit being Vegeta for like 3 seconds." I start to calm. She continues. "They said there is another flight boarding in 10 minutes to Cairo, Egypt. It won't cost us any extra. And as a compensation for our flight being cancelled, they said we could even fly first class." She explains. I bend down and grab our stuff. "Let's do it. I'm not waiting any longer." She squeals. "How exciting! Egypt!" She grabs a few bags and we walk to our new flight, 237. "So I wore this stupid tropical shirt for no reason?" I ask. She giggles. "Not necessarily." I groan and wait in line with my wife.

Kitsune's POV:
Vegeta looks so cute in his Hawaiian shirt! I'm kind of bummed we aren't going to Bora-Bora any more. I was excited to get to swim in the clear watered ocean, drinking fruity drinks. But Egypt's exciting! There are more historical tourist spots. I've also wanted to take up belly dancing! We finally board our plane, making our way to the first class part. We load what bags we didn't hand to the carrier in the compartments over our heads, and take our seats. I've never traveled via plane before. I always was nervous but I guess being able to fly, myself, had prepared me for that. I ordered Vegeta and I champagne to ease our nerves. Vegeta wasn't enjoying himself as much as I was. He just sat there looking out the window with his arms folded as usual. Typical Mr. Grumpy. I roll my eyes and kiss his neck. He snarls and looks over to me. "What was that for?" He snaps. I laugh "because I love you and I'm excited to spend the week with just us!" I say hugging him, which was kinda awkward considering we were sitting. I laid my head on his shoulder. I feel him do his half smile. Then he lays his head on mine, keeping his arms folded. "I love you too." He mumbles. My heart skips a beat. This week was going to be amazing. Just me, my husband, and maybe some mummies. I take a sip of my champagne, close my eyes, and lay back. I wonder if Chi and Lea have had such a roller coaster of events as we've had?

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