Familiar Faces

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Chiwa's POV
When I arrive at the class, I notice most spots had already been taken, but there were a few extras out by the upper left corner. I get to a spot and stand there, anticipating for class to begin. I can't wait to learn some moves. With these moves, I can make Lea want me in a heartbeat. I glance around at the other student dancers. There were about 40 of us in all. Mostly women, but a few men. Eh, who am I to judge? I do a few stretches to warm up before class starts, bending down and what not. "Excuse me. Can we stand beside you? It's just there's hardly anywhere else to get at." I hear a familiar voice ask me. It sounds so familiar...as if I've been living with this person. "Yeah, go ahead." I say, getting back into an upright position. I take a glance over to the person whom was just asking. My eyes widen as I'm shocked to see who I see staring back at me with the same shocked expression. "Kit?" I ask. "Chiwa?" she repeats. "Why are you here? Not that I don't want you to be here, my wonderful friend, you....but seriously, why are you here?" I ask once more. Not that I didn't want to see her, but like I said earlier, I would like some space with only Lea and I on our honeymoon. "I'm here because our trip to Bora-Bora has been canceled due to inclement weather. So we chose Cairo, Egypt." she responds with a smile. "And you're here because?" she asks. "Because this is where I planned to go from the start andddd Lara said it would be cool if we could come." I further explain. "Lara's here?" she asks, a little worried referring back to our last trip with her. "Don't worry, she knows it's our honeymoon and she wouldn't dare interfere. The only thing she did was show Lea and I around the pyramids." I tell her. "You were there too? Oh, we so missed each other!" she exclaims, in a laughing manner. I start giggling too. "Yeah I guess! So what brings you to belly dance class?" I ask her. "Well Vegeta and I are taking this class to bond more and it seems interesting!" she exclaims. "Wait, you brought Vegeta to belly dance with you? Now this I gotta see. Where is he anyway?" I ask, searching around. "No, he's just gonna watch and he's getting us some drinks from the lobby." she says. "What about you?" she asks. "I'm taking this class to deepen my relationship with Lea and use it as a surprise attack, if you will." I say, smirking. "So no, I didn't bring him with me. Otherwise he would know what I'm up to and he's been kind of...abstinent...but I'm making him take regular dance classes. Maybe later on, we could dance under the stars somewhere, I don't know." I respond. "Aw, well good luck!" she exlaims. "Thanks, you too!" I repeat. Soon after, the class begins and we all get into our positions.

Lea's POV
So Chiwa doesn't know this, but I've been following her. She's been acting weird and sneaky trying to force me to leave and sign up for dance classes and what not. So I've decided to make her think I've left, but actually I've been hiding around the corner until she walked out of the suite. I follow her to a building that read: A Dancer's Charm. The board had a picture of an Egyptian Belly Dancer on it. Wait, did she? Is she? Is she doing what I think she's doing? I see her go in, so I decide to wait five minutes before walking in myself. Once I enter the dance studio, I see about 40 people wanting to learn about belly dancing. I sneak along the side of the benches till I see Chiwa. Annnd, found her! I make sure I wouldn't be seen by her, so I decide to sit on the fourth level of the benches, looking down on her. "Well well, if it isn't Lea. What are you doing here?" I hear a familiar voice to the right of me. I glance in the direction of the voice and see Vegeta sitting next to me. I didn't even realize he was here. Unexpectedly, the whole gang is brought back to one.

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