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Kitsune's POV:
As our honeymoon week slowly came to an end, I couldn't help but be reminded of the night Vegeta and I made love for the first time on this trip. His voice....I couldn't stop thinking about it. The way he took control and was aggressive and dominant. The thought sends sensations down my spine. We've made love just about every night after that, but they were no where near the intensity of that night. The days in passing we explored the city some more, curtesy of Ammon being a wonderful tour guide. After our special night, Vegeta seemed to enjoy the trip even more. I would catch him smiling at random. When it finally approaches our last day, Vegeta and I decided to spend the day packing and enjoying our Egyptian home and it's necessities. I got everything packed except for what I was wearing home and my bathing suit, which I planned on using one last time. I sit on my suit case to make it easier to zip. I grunt as I pull the zipper to its end. I sigh. "Geez, it seems even harder to close than when I first packed it" I say looking over to Vegeta, who was done packing a lot quicker than me because he didn't pack nearly as much as me. He was laying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with his arms behind his head. I stand up and crawl beside him hovering his face. He shifts his eyes towards me. "Yes?" He says. I smile and lean down and kiss him on the cheek. "Wanna get in the pool one last time?" I ask. He sighs and turns over. "Ugh. Not really. I'm exhausted" he mumbles. I frown, but I look over to my unpacked suit and think of an idea. I sigh. "Fine, I guess I'll just have to go by myself" I say getting up from the bed. I slowly start to pull my clothes off, my back to Vegeta. I drop my shorts to the ground, which makes a slight plop sound. I look in my peripheral vision and hear Vegeta shifting on the bed as if turning over...

Vegeta's POV:
This trip has been by far more than I imagined. In a good way. Ever since the first night I made love to Kitsune, everything has seemed brighter, like I had a void that she filled that night. I don't completely remember everything that happened that night. Something came over me. Like I was possessed by lust and desire. I had craved her and I wasn't going to stop till we both had our fill...
Here we were at our last day. The woman had been packing her items just about all day. I finished early because I only brought what I absolutely had to. I lay on the bed, thinking of that night trying to remember what all happened. We've talked about it some. She keeps mentioning this voice I was using. I'm puzzled by it because I have no idea what voice it could be or why I used it exactly. I shake my head of this thought as I find her staring over me. "Yes?" I ask. She kisses my cheek and asks "Wanna get in the pool one last time?" I groan. We have been kept busy all week with sight seeing, and also tours of Egypt...hehe. I turn to my side, "not really. I'm exhausted." I tell her with my back to her. She gets up. "Fine, I guess I'll just have to go by myself." I hear movement of cloth followed by a plop. My curiosity is intrigued and I turn around to see my wife's behind, pulling off her shirt. Her back was to me and she was completely naked. Her sun kissed body glowed as her curves swayed with her movements. She slowly slides on her bikini, top and bottom. It was the royal blue one from the first pool encounter. She turns facing me and notices my staring. She smirks. "You enjoy the show?" She asks walking to the bathroom, grabbing a towel. My cheeks flush. "Er-um well" I begin. She giggles and throws me my trunks. "Come on" she says turning towards the door. "I'll be waiting for you..." Her voice trails off as she walks away. I sigh and begin to undress. Once my trunks are on, I start to head for the pool. On my way I notice two blue piece s laying in a trail on the way. And then it hit me. She's naked. I slowly peel the curtain the the pool and see her already in, swimming about. I open the door to the outside and make my way towards the pool. She looks up at me, and I notice she is in fact naked. She giggles. I smirk "you look a bit underdressed to be in the pool." She gives me this look that drives me insane. She swims away from me and motions me towards her. I start to get in and she shakes her head, pointing to my shorts then pointing down. I groan but do as I'm told. I pull them off and stand there, naked. My tail hangs freely and the breeze feels cool against my skin. "Come on! It's our last day!"she shouts. I roll my eyes and get into position, and dive in. Once submerged, I open my eyes and swim towards her. I hear her squeal as I grab her and pull her close to me when I surface. Her breast press against my chest, making me feel sensations throughout my body. She wraps her arms around my neck. "I've had such a wonderful time." She says smiling. I smile back. "As have I. I honestly thought this trip was going to be a drag at first, but I realized that nothing that involves you could be anything less than amazing" I say pulling her closer. She blushes and leans up to give me a kiss. I kiss her back and we stand there for a minute. We didn't do anything, just hold each other and kiss. Our honeymoon has came to its end and my wife and I are more than happy to have shared this time together. But we're also pretty excited to be back home too. I wonder what shenanigans Lea and Chiwa got into whilst here. I guess we'll hear all about it when we arrive back home. But for now, this last day I'm cherishing.

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