Home Sweet Home In Cairo

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Lea's POV
We arrive at our destination. Chiwa and I didn't really talk that much on the way there. I don't really understand it, but it felt like a day of not seeing each other, although she was right next to me. Maybe nothing is wrong and I'm just imagining things. "Are we here?" Chiwa turns to ask me. "I think so." I say. "You think? How do you not know where we are?" she asks. I shrug my shoulders. She then reaches to pat my back. "Ah, well. At least we arrived safe and that's all that counts." she says reassuringly. The plane lands and the passengers, as well as ourselves, stand up from our seats and grab the suitcases from the shelf. We start maneuvering over to the exit. "Eeep! Are you excited??" Chiwa cheers. I smile at how she's so cute being all excited and cheerful. I loved seeing her smile with excitement. We finally reach the outside of the plane and enter Cairo's airport. "So I arranged for Lara to meet us. Is that okay?" she asks me. "Would you have listened if I said no?" I counter. She chuckles. "Good point. But hey, she's only here to help us get acquainted with the city and show us around. I already told her before hand. No more adventures." Chiwa further explains. "Well, at least for now." I second. Anywho, Lara or no Lara, I'm sure we could make it through our trip just fine. We stand in the center of the room, eyeing people as they approach and walk by, making sure that we were to be picked up. Finally, we see a woman who's Chiwa's height, wearing a sea-green camisole, beige shorts, and combat boots. Her hair was pulled back into a braid. Yep. That's her alright. "Hey, guys!" Lara hollers at us from a distance. She comes up to us and pulls Chiwa in a hug. "What's up? I haven't seen you in forever." she exclaims. That's because we were too busy avoiding her and her upcoming missions she'd thought us to go on. I don't even think she came to the wedding. I don't even think we invited her. "Hey, Lara." I say, waving a hand at her. She notices me carrying both of our luggages. "Oh! Let me help you carry that!" she says taking Chiwa's suitcase in her arms. I'm amazed at how strong she was. She was holding the heavier of the two. "What are you two staring at? Let's get a move on so I can show you guys your hotel room!" she hollers. Chiwa and I look to each other and we follow.

Chiwa's POV
Lara takes us through the city, showing us the tourist spots we are welcome at and eventually leading us to our room. "Well, here you are. Here's your keycard." she says handing me the card and putting my luggage down on the ground. "I can't stay for too long, I've got other things that I need to get done." she says, leaving us and waving goodbye. "That girl seriously needs to prioritize." I hear Lea muffle behind me. "Yeah, but at least she took us to our room. Are you ready to see what awaits us?" I ask. He nods his head and I take that as a signal to go ahead and slide the keycard in through the lock. In one, two, three...I turn the door handle and push my way through. Oh my goodness. I cannot believe my eyes. The sight that my eyes were gazing upon was so magnificent and eluminated. It was incredibly beautiful. "What? Hun, what's the matter?" Lea asked, until he came up behind me and the scenery had reflected in his eyes. "Oh, wow. This looks incredible." he says. "I know! I can't believe this is ours to use for a week and we're really gonna sleep here!" I exclaim, applauding at the beautiful scenery. In the center of the room, pushed up against the wall, was a circular bed, lined with red imprint sheets. A few feet further from the bed, across from us, we're four windows that showed the outside with a water fountain. Beige, Egyptian curtains were draped over the frames. For decorations, lining the room, sat pots of flowers and plants. The room itself tinted yellow, goldish. Yup. I could- I could definitely get used to this place. "Sooo...??? What do you think, Dear?" I turn to look at Lea. "I love it. I would love it even more when we finally test the bed." he says with a wink. "Wait, why do we need to-" I started, then realized what he meant. Oh. Teehee. This was gonna be a fun honeymoon indeed.

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