Belly Dancing Beauties

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Vegeta's POV:
The woman and I arrive at the stupid dance class. I informed her that I refuse to participate she nodded and jumped into my arms for an embrace. "Thank you!" She squeals, I groan. "You go get settled, I'll see if there are refreshments in the lobby. That tour made me parched." I tell her. She smiles and heads into a some what empty room with mats spread out. As I walk towards the potential beverages I pass a group of women and some men, heading to the same room. I glance at the few men and laugh "Fools" I say shaking my head. I make it to the counter and grab Kitsune and I two glass bottled sodas. The language on them, I couldn't understand. But the flavor looked to be root beer. I pay for the drinks and make my back to the woman to deliver hers. I walk in and see that it was an open ceiling room with a balcony where people can watch. "Thank you, sweetie." Kitsune says, meeting me at the door. I hand her the drink and she kisses my cheek, making me blush. "Awwww" the other females coo. I growl and clench my fists, making my way out the door. I finally find a stairwell that leads to the over looking benches. I wasn't the only one with the same idea. A man with fiery red spiked hair was already sitting in the back of the four rowed seating. I walk closer to the man who's back was towards me. I get to where I can see his profile before I realized who it was. "Well well, if it isn't Lea. What are you doing here?" I say, sitting next to him. He turns to me. His concerned look turns happy as his green eye flicker and a his silly smile paints onto his face. "Vegeta! Wow! What are you doing here?" He says. I chuckle. "I believe I asked you first." He looks out to the crowd of dancers. "Oh, uh-right. Well, this is where Chiwa and I decided to go for our honeymoon!" He explains. "Ah." I say looking down to find my woman. He looks at me. "" He asks. I shake from my stare. "Oh, right. Well our original trip was cancelled and the low earthlings offered us this trip in its place." I say. He laughs "What a funny coincidence". I turn my look back to Kitsune. "Yeah I suppose it is. I'm assuming Chiwa is down there as well?" He turns to the crowd. "Yep! But she's not supposed to know I'm here. I wonder if they've found each other" he asks.

Kitsunes POV:
I turn from meeting Vegeta and glance over to where I was sitting. One girl, tall with long wavy black hair was in my spot. A little annoyed, I walk over there to her. There was still room for me so my aggravation settles. As I approach, she was bent down, stretching. "Excuse me. Can I stand beside you? It's just there's hardly anywhere else to get at." I say, as nice as possible. "Sure, go ahead." The girl says. I pause. That voice... Nah. It couldn't be. I get into position and begin stretching. The girl raises up, "Kit?" She says. Startled at first, I gaze up so see Chiwas face looking down at me. "Chiwa?" My concerned face turns into a smile. She shifts in her stance. "Why are you here? Not that I don't want you to be here, my wonderful friend, you....but seriously, why are you here?" She asks with a slight annoyed tone. I proceed to explain to her that Vegeta and I's original plan was to travel to Bora-Bora but our flight was cancelled and they offered us a trip here so we took it. "And you're here because?" I question. "Because this is where I planned to go from the start andddd Lara said it would be cool if we could come" she explained. My face grows frightened. Lara is a sweet woman, and I enjoy adventuring and all, but she's a bit...extreme. Chiwa could see the worried look on my face and she begins laughing. "Don't worry, she knows it's our honeymoon and she wouldn't dare interfere." I join her laughter. "So what brings you to belly dancing class?" She says after we've finished wheezing. "Well Vegeta and I are taking this class to bond more and it seems interesting!" I explain. "Wait, you brought Vegeta to belly dance with you? Now this I gotta see. Where is he anyway?" She asks looking behind me. "No, he's just gonna watch and he's getting us some drinks from the lobby." I tell her rolling my eyes. "What about you?" I question. "I'm taking this class to deepen my relationship with Lea and use it as a surprise attack, if you will." She smirks. "So no, I didn't bring him with me. Otherwise he would know what I'm up to and he's been kind of...abstinent...but I'm making him take regular dance classes. Maybe later on, we could dance under the stars somewhere, I don't know." She further explains. "Aw, well good luck!" I cheer. "Thanks, you too!" She responds. I get back into position and wait for the teacher to arrive. "Pst, woman!" I hear a raspy voice call. I look around. "Woman!" The voice gets louder. I look up to find Vegeta peering over a balcony at me. I gasp in surprise and wave frantically. He grins and sit back in his seat just enough to where he can still see me. A mischievous smile forms on my face. Perfect. Now that I know he's watching my every move, I can remind him exactly what my body is capable of.

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