Dissing On the Camels

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Vegeta's POV:
The morning after our shower of events, I wake up to Kitsune, snoring on my chest. It was a rarity for me to wake before her. She must have been exhausted from our...intimacy last night. I smirk and put my hands behind my head in victory. I can't believe I turned down being with her last night. But I know she and I would regret it starting the first night with making love. I put my hand to her shoulder and shake. "Kitsune." I say. She moans and moves her body. I notice she's naked. I blush. "Kitsune." I say sternly. She moves from my chest and turns away from me. I sit up and shout. "WOMAN!" She jumps and nearly falls off the bed. She pulls the cover over her. "Vegeta! Was that necessary??" she yells. "Well, I called you 3 times!" I argue. She growls and stands up. "Good morning to you too." She says walking over to our bags to grab some clothes. I sit my head against the wall and pull the blanket just below my waist. "So, what's the plan for today?" I ask. She slides on a tight pink tube top and high waisted shorts. My eye brow raises. "I'm going to call Ammon. He's going to drive us to a place where they do camel pyramid tours!" She explains. I wince. Camel tours? "You mean we would ride a top a camel whilst taking this tour?" I ask. She nods "No the camels will ride us." She smirks. I scoff. "I don't need to ride the damn creature, I'm perfectly content with flying, or even walking." I cross my arms and turn away from her. She groans "Oh, come on Vegeta. It'll be fun!" She walks over to my side of the bed and sits. I look at her. She was batting her eyes and pouting her lips. I snarl and quickly turn my head. She leans in closer and keeps making the face. I growl and don't break. I look in the corner of my eye at her. She leans in a little closer. I grunt. "Oh, alright! I'll ride the stupid Camel! But if it spits on me one time, I'll destroy it and all the other camels!" She squeals "Yay!!!" Then she jumps on me and starts kissing my face. "Alright, alright! Let me get dressed!" I shout and she hops off.

Kitsune's POV:
I have convinced Vegeta to take the Camel tour with me! I am so excited! What he doesn't know is that I also planned a belly dancing lesson at 5. Hopefully I can lure Vegeta and enchant him with my body. He was a hard shell to crack sometimes. So stubborn! But maybe rather than a snake charmer, I'll be able to call myself, the Vegeta charmer! Ugh these past couple of months have been agonizing. Not being able to share the most intimate of moments with your one true love, it makes a person go crazy. Vegeta puts on a white button up short sleeved shirt, open with a plain white shirt underneath which he compliments with blue shorts. I look him up and down. "Mmmm." I say to him. He looks up with a smirk. "You like what you see?" He walks towards me. "Mmmhmm." I mumble. He puts a finger under my chin and leans downs down getting close to my face. "I know" he says lifting his head back up and walking away. I scoff "Look who's the tease, NOW!" I shout throwing a pillow at him. He blocks it and grins. I grab my phone and call Ammon. He said he would be here in fifteen minutes. We get off the phone and I scroll down to Chiwa's number. I would like to call her...but I don't want to interrupt. Also, what if the part of the world they're in has a completely different time down than us? I put my phone away and decided to fix my hair. I decided to wear it in two little loose buns on both sides on my head. It's going to be hot and I didn't want to worry about my hair sticking to my sweaty back or face. Once it's up, I spray on some sunscreen. "The chauffeur's here!" Vegeta yells. I cheer. I grab my sunglasses and meet Vegeta at the door. First stop camel lovin' and then, let the swooning begin!

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