The end

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The battle began. The twins who was in battle with their mother and friend Hermione, were bored with playing with their food now, they were hungry. Blood hungry. The twins morphed into his giant werewolf, twice the size of a normal one, the stench of terror filled the room as the two women were eaten by the giant werewolf. Morphing back to their original selfs, blood was dripping of them as they licked their fingers, smiles deep on their face. Sirius black was in a furlong match with his once hero, mad-eye moody. Sirius had a huge grin on his face and laughter filling the air around them, he loved the control he had over his mentor. He knew exactly what moody would do. Pushing moody back and back until his legs touched the stone of the wall. "I've got you now moody" Sirius apple menacingly to the crazy individual. Moody tried one last time to kill Sirius, it was apparent that Dumbledore hasn't done any research on the other side or the people included in the dark side. Sirius was a grim, the loyal dog to hades- leader of the underworld. That came with some privileges, one being you can't die. The spell moody tried to fire at Sirius rebound and hit moody square in the chest, he began to turn to stone and shatter. All the others in the light side, left. Dumbledore was by himself. Dumbledore tried to run, but the cutting charm (Sectumsempra) was quicker. Harry was quicker, his chaser reflexes kicking in. Blood began to seep out of the lacerations appearing on Dumbledores body. His cries filled the silent hall. Once his final cry passed, a new plan was forced to be made. With his head in a box with all the evidence they could find on Dumbledore, which was a lot, the box was placed on madam Amelia Bones desk ready to be found the next morning. The group was frozen still, unsure wether this was actually over. Snape walked slowly towards his son, arms wrapped tightly around the teenager. Kissing Harry's forehead, he smiled at the moment. Everyone was safe and the world was now rid of the meddling old man. Cheers began to erupt, hugs were being enjoyed and smiles were on everyone's face. They knew the world would only get better from now on. Harry turned to Draco, kissing him square on the lips before pulling him out of the room. They had some celebrating to do. The end.

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