⁸ Found you

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Suddenly, Ji-min breaks down in tears, she stares at the drone device thing.

"What's wrong, Ji-min?" On-Jo asks her calmly.

"I can't..." she mutters.

I can't help but feel bad for her, maybe she's seen her family member out there, who's a zombie. I hope my mom's fine, my dad's in Europe somewhere so i'm sure he's fine. But my mom.. she's an assembly member.

Surely they would've kept the assembly members safe and secure, right?

"What is it?" Joon-yeong asks.

"This.." Ji-min points to a white truck on the screen, and I peek over.
"This is my dad's car.." she mumbles.

"Which one, the white one or the black one?" someone asks.

"This truck it's my dad's.." Ji-min sniffles, I rub her back to try make her feel better, but she whacks my hand away, and I flinch.
Gyeong-su takes my hand once again as we watch the zombies on the screen roam the streets.

"What a shit place Hyosan is right now." Gyeong-su whispers.

"Don't worry, I'm sure there are lots of cars like that." On-Jo mentions, she's right actually.

"Let me check." Joon-yeong informs everyone.

He controls the drone to get closer to the truck's window screen, we all look inside the car, seeing a male and a female's bone crack and not shortly after turn into a zombie.

Ji-min sadly whimpers and breaks down, she covers her eyes with her hands and cry.
Everyone else starts to get a little upset and worried about their parents, except me.

I know my mom will be okay, and my dad, therefore I don't want to talk about my parents.
While Ji-min cries, On-Jo hugs her.

Joon-yeong takes off the headset(?) and places it down.

Woo-jin sits on his chair, covering his eyes while Dae-su stands next to him. I look at my boyfriend, who was also crying a bit, therefore I grip his warm hand tightly and hug him, he hugs me back.

"I love you." he whispers in my ear.

I let go of him and move over to Woo-jin. I grab a chair before rolling over to him.

Suddenly, Ji-min gets up and climbs on the window frame.

"Ji-min!" On-Jo yells, everyone else gets up hastily.

She was about to do suicude.

Trying to stop her, they all grab her, but she argues, "Let go of me!"

"Please come down." On-jo begs.

"Don't." I hear.

She soon bursts into tears again.

"I want to die. Leave me alone!" Ji-min shouts.

Hyorung hides behind a shelf, looking sad and anxious.

"I don't want to live!" she shouts as the boys continue trying to get her down.

"I want to die!"

"Please leave me alone!" she yells.

"Let go of me!" Ji-min adds as the boys hold her

She eventually collapses to the floor, in tears.

"My mom and dad both died.." the girl whimpers.

"What am i supposed to do alone?"

On-jo and Ji-min go into the private room, where they private talk.

I sit next to Woo-jin again now that Ji-min is safe.

"Survive for me" ▪︎ Gyeong-su x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now