¹⁹ Don't leave me.

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Dae-su argues with Su-hyeok, appearntly his leg is fine but I don't think it is. The injured boy uses his shovel to support his leg, using it like a walking stick.

The rest of the group grabs weapons as we prepare for the zombies to arrive.

"On-jo." Su-hyeok murmers.

The girl clenches onto her weapon tightly.

"Fuck." Wu-jin curses

"I have a feeling it'll all end here." Mi-jin says.

"Stay behind me." Wu-jin tells Ha-ri, stepping infront of his sister defensively.

I look at Gyeong-su, who was grabbing onto a pitchfork. The group stays extremely quiet for a while, waiting for the zombies to appear.
We see one zombie run towards us, then a whole horde not soon after.

Su-hyeok is the first to attack, whacking the infected round the head.

Dae-su and Su-hyeok fight the zombies, struggling a little. But all I could do was watch.
Soon, the others start fighting.

Mi-jin was struggling to get a zombie off her, so I rush over, grabbing the infected from it's jacket, sliding it off the senior before throwing it away. Ha-ri whacks the zombie around the face.

"Thanks Y/N." Mi-jin pants.

I smile at her softly.

I glance at Nam-ra, who snapped a zombie's neck, instantly killing it. I observe the others as they fight.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Nam-ra asks. I turn to her. Her gaze was soft and calming.

"Oh.. I'm fine." I reply. She smiles and I give her a small smile back.

"Ha-ri!" a male voice shouts.

It was Wu-jin, he was holding Ha-ri, protecting her from a zombie. I quickly run over to him, about to push him out the way but, it was too late.

Too late to save him.

"Wu-jin!" I screech, pushing the zombie off him.

The zombie had ripped flesh off his neck.

Mi-jin stabs the zombie in the back after it falls onto the ground.
Wu-jin rolls off of Ha-ri's body, blood pouring down the side of his neck.

Ha-ri's eyes are wide, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Wu-jin.." Dae-su whimpers, crawling over to him weakly.

Gyeong-su grabs my by the wrist, pulling me away. However, I fight him off me.

"Fuck!" I shout.

"I fucking knew this would happen." Wu-jin murmers as Ha-ri kneels down next to him, along with Dae-su.

"W-Wu-jin.. Stay calm." I tell him.

"She's right, stay calm. It's okay." Ha-ri says.

Gyeong-su stands next to me, pulling me close.

"Wu-jin look at me." Ha-ri whispers.

"Ha-ri.. Did you really make national team?" Wu-jin asks her.

Ha-ri nods hesitantly while crying a little.

"Yes I did."

"Bullshit." the male Jang curses. "You came to the school because you got eliminated. Otherwise you'd be at the tournament. If you got eliminated, you should've gone home. Why did you come to school? Fuck." he adds, beginning to cry.

Eventually, I collapse to the floor next to my boyfriend, tears pouring out of my eyes.

I can't handle it anymore.

"Survive for me" ▪︎ Gyeong-su x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now