¹⁰ When can this be over?

850 19 15

Us and the group sit in silence for a while, me and Gyeong-su sitting in the corner.
I notice Ji-min fiddling with a camera. She lifts the camera up and I assume she presses the record button.

"Ji-min, please don't record me." I ask politely.

She turns to me, with a small glare.

"I wasn't going to Y/N." Ji-min replies.

Ji-min deletes the video and starts again, showing her face to the camera.

"My mum and dad, the came to the school to save me. The police and firefighters never came.. If anyone is watching this, punish them.
They abandonded us. I'll make them pay.
Hi mum, hi dad... I'll stay alive, and kill all the zombies. I promise." she says to the camera, about to tear up.

I walk over to her and carefully take the camera, Ji-min nods to me before sitting on the chair, starting to sob.

"Hi mum, hi dad, not like you'll see this anyways but oh well. I will escape this school alive. Luckily, I don't think I can die, I'm a 'hambie', you see. You probably don't know what that is but oh well. One more thing, I got a boyfriend."

Gyeong-su pokes his head so the camera can see him and kisses my cheek.

I hand the camera over to him after my speech.

"Hi grandma. Are you okay? You are right? Well I'm doing fine, I'm alive and with my adorable girlfriend by my side. I love her so much.
Anyways, when I get home, make sure Y/N can visit me everyday."

Wu-jin walks over to Gyeong-su, taking the camera off him and going back to his seat.

"Hi mom, and dad. I want a raise in my allowance. I also found a girl I admire a bit."

Dae-su takes the camera off him.

I decide to ignore the rest of the group's speeches, and get comfy on my boyfriend's lap. He wraps an arm around my waist, his other arm around my head.

"I promise I'll keep you safe, even if it means riskinf my life." he whispers in my ear, making me smile softly.

"When this all be over?" I ask myself.

"Hopefully soon." Gyeong-su murmers, releasing me from his hug.

My boyfriend extends his arm to my blazer, and takes off my nametag. He takes off his after.

"Let's hold onto eachother's nametags." Gyeong-su suggets, I nod in reply, kissing his lips.

Soon, everyone finished their message on the camera.

"We said we had a plan to get to the roof, aren't we supposed to planning that?" I hint out, the group turning to me.

Wu-jin stared at me on Gyeong-su's lap with jealousy.

I pretend to ignore it.

"O-Oh, let's do that soon. But you're right." Su-hyeok answers, and I nod.

"Wu-jin stop staring, I know you like her but she's with Gyeong-su." Dae-su whispers in Wu-jin's ear.

"They done the nasty earlier, just give up. She won't choose you." he adds.

Because of my brilliant hearing skills, I could hear them clearly.

Wu-jin sighs, turning away from me.

He's jealous of me and Gyeong-su because he likes me.

Those words come to your head what Wu-jin said to the camera.

"Hey mum, I finally found a girl I admire."

Nam-ra seems strange as she observes the group, we both turn to Dae-su, whose stomach was gurgling.

"Survive for me" ▪︎ Gyeong-su x Y/N Where stories live. Discover now