apartment 72

765 7 13

i was woke up by loud door slamming and the sounds of boxes thudding on the ground.

shit must be a new neighbor

right across my door sat apartment 72 which recently went up for sale.

i knew it wouldn't take to long till it was rented.

i pulled my self together quickly.

found a cute outfit

ok well if i start ti bake these cookies now by the time i'm ALL finished maybe he will be relaxing

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ok well if i start ti bake these cookies now by the time i'm ALL finished maybe he will be relaxing

i tried my best to have all the neighbors love me.

and they did

everyone loved me.

i loved baking

and if baking for random people made them like me idk do it all the time.

i was finished.

i just made basic chocolate chip cookies but they were so good.

i put them on a plate and wrapped them in plastic wrapped and walked off.

for some reason i felt nervous

like i really shouldn't be talking to him.
took a step out and walked to his door.

i took a deep breath before knocking softly.

didn't take long until he opened up.

he was sweaty

he had longish - fluffy like hair.

big soft brown eyes.

i would almost say coffee eyes but like coffee with a splash of creamer.

"uh hey i'm in apt 71 and i noticed you uh just moved in and i wanted to come meet you and bring you an uh.. house warming gift!!" i give him a wide smile.

he slightly blushes.

"oh, well i'm kurt, kurt kunkle" he says with a slight smile.

he takes the plate of cookies.

"made them myself!" i said and he smiles.

"ok well thanks uh wanna come in? i'm not quite done unacking yet but i wouldn't mind some company" he says

i smile softly.

i followed him inside quickly afterwards

i sat down at his kitchen counter.

we ate the cookies together and talked.

"so kurt how did you find yourself in LA?" i asked.

"well i used to live in azusa with my parents but i uhm decided i had enough of that" he said

"cool cool" i nod

"wbu you how'd u end up here" he asked.

"oh well yk thought i could do something here but i was wrong, now i work at the coffee shop down the road. i'm still in college tho" i said

"oh" he smiles.

"i can help you unpack yk you have a nice setup going!" i said and he smiles

"yeah i'd love your help" he says.

i helped him set up his tv.

i held it as he drilled it into the wall.

finally we were finished


with his living room and kitchen.

"we make a good team neighbor" he says


he's so cringy

i smile

"hell yeah we do".

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"hey i'd love to idk take u out for dinner tonight" he says awkwardly

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"hey i'd love to idk take u out for dinner tonight" he says awkwardly

"oh i would love to" i smiled

"great! i'll knock on your door around 7?"

"sounds great see you then kurt" i smiled and walked out.

"holy shit she's so fine"

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