were over.

320 3 18

i woke up.


i literally regret everything from a few hours ago.

i was just bored and horny ig.

i don't want kurt tu have an like emotional attachment to me or some shit.

what am i supposed to tell my boyfriend.

zach would flip out on me if he found out i cheated on him

let alone with the guy we made fun of together.

kurt was cute as he slept though.

that's when you could really he his biceps.

the dimmed light on his skin was so hot.

i rubbed his bare back softly.

"kurt i'll see you tmr mk?" i said rubbing his back.

"mhm.." he groans rolling over he was till half asleep.

it was only 12am.

(let's pretend there still in kurt's apartment)

i grabbed my phone and left to go back to my apartment.

i went and laid down in my bed.

it felt better then kurt's bed.

i took a large sigh.

i did miss kurt's arms around me.

"fuck it" i groaned.

i grabbed my phone and called zach.

he answered the last ring.

"waddup baby" he says.

"wanna come over? cuddle and watch a movie? feeling kinda lonely." i said.

"bet be over in 10" he says

"great" i said hanging up.

i knew his arms wouldn't feel as comforting as kurt's.

zack came over.

with nothing.

i thoight if kurt came he'd get me some cheesy gifts like flowers or candy.

maybe even something to drink form th crappy vending machine down the hall.

"hey baby girl" he says walking in my room.

i hated babygirl.

he knew it too.

he sat down on the bed next to me.

with my cat inbetween us.

"you still got this gross ass cat? i thoight your apartment has a no cat policy." he says.

"it does. i just slip my landlord an extra 30 in my rent every month" i said watching my tv.

"why don't you just get rid of her? i know a great no kill shelter down the road" he says.

"i would never take my cat somewhere it would be scared and not with me. imagine if you were a cat and lived with the same person for 3 years and then was just give away" i said not looking at him.

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