school 💗

160 3 6

i woke up in the middle of the night.

by the sounds of max yipping and scratching at our door.

i gently departed from kurt.

he groaned and rolled over.

i walked over and opened the door.

i got on the ground before he went and barked at kurt too.

i held him and played with him

"outside?" i whispered.

he barked softly as his tail wagged.

i smiled and got up.

i gave kurt one last look before shutting the door.

he was so cute.

the cuddled his pillow tightly since i left.

"cmon let's go" i said shutting the door.

the dogs leash wasn't in here.

i had to walk over to kurt's apartment.

hopefully it wasn't locked.

it wasn't which was good

i felt bad snooping through his apartment but i had to let the dog out before he went inside.

i found his leash and walked out

i put the leash on him and walked outside.

i walked the dog a little.

it was cold

but comforting.

the way i could see the distant lights of downtown L.A and they lit up the sky here.

i really hated it here

once we were done i came back inside.

i brought max in the room with us.

he layed down laying near kurt.

once i was back i took my pillow away from kurt.

i layed down bad he grappled around me.

i went back to sleep.

kurt's warm hands and me being under thr blanket warmed me up quickly.


i woke up and kurt was gone.

and so was max.

cosmo remained next to me.

i yawned and got up.

i walked to the kitchen to make my morning coffee.

"oh your up!" kurt says getting off the couch.

"oh your still here i thought you left" i yawned.

"i just didn't wanna turn on thr tv and wake up up so i came in here" hr smiled.

awh he's so thoughtful.

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