call me sweetheart.

250 5 5

i woke up before kurt.

i regret everything from last night.

i rubbed kurt's back softly.

"good morning sweetheart" he says stretching.

"kurt it's 11am do you still need to go get the puppy?" i asked.

"SHIT" he says springing up.

"are you coming with me or not? it's a 10 hour drive there and a 10 hour drive back but trust me it will be so much fun" he smiles.

"fine kirt just let me get dressed" i say and kurt jumps in excitement.

he was so cute.

he wraps his big arms around me.

i got dressed as kirt went to his apartment and did the same thing.

we decided to take my car bc it was better in gas and mileage.

i let him drive bc i wanted to be able to take a nap.

kurt sets up his gsp and takes off.

"so i'm thinking we get to salt lake city tonight, we find somewhere to stay bc it'll br like 9-9:30 maybe even 10 depending on how often we stop.
then we stay in a hotel over night then leave to get the puppy then drive back here" he says.

i yawn.

"sounds great kurt"

i connect my phone to the radio and play some music.

i was still tired.

"kurt can we stop for some snacks before we rely get going?" i asked.

"uh sure yeah ofc" he says looking for the nearest exit.

i needed something to eat to hold me over till my car ran out of gas.

obviously we weren't just gonna stop once.

he pulled liver at a gas station.

he followed me in for some snacks.

we both got drinks, chips and candies.

he also bought a vape for himself.

he also got me a slushie.

he was so nice.

if i were with zach he'd tell me i'm only aloud one drink.

"thank you!" i said kissing him on the cheek

he blushed and laughed softly.

"uh uh yeah haha.. no problem uhm thank you for coming with me honestly" he smiled.

i looked out my window and drank my slurpee.

"i've never been through nevada, and i've never been to utah" i said.

"neither have i" he smiled.

i went on my phone and watched tiktok for a little.

even tho kurt didn't stop talking.

"can you open my vape?" he asked.

"yeah sure here" i said opening it up and handing it to him.

i put the box in the car cup holder.

kurt put his hand on my thigh.

he softly rubbed my leg with his thumb.

kurt was comforting.

i slowly fell alseep.

kurt woke me up nicely.

"we've been driving for around 4 hours and i just pulled over to get gas. do you want anything in the gas station sweetheart?" he asked softly.

taking it i feel asleep and it still have some chips, an unopened pop, and some candy i didn't need anything.

"no thank you kurt i'm ok, thank you" he nods and shuts the door.

he goes into the gas station to pay and comes out with bags.

are you serious.

"so i got you a couple things anyway" he says getting in the car.

"i git my self a mountain dew and a redbull but i also got you some of this weird fancy chocolate looking shit" he says handing it to me.

"awh thank you kurt" i said smiling.

"so we're like almost to las vegas and it's like 4pm so the traffics gonna uh be really bad. so uh just sit tight ig" he says.

i ate my chocolate and listened ti music.

las vegas was pretty.

even tho the people there were loud and rude.

arguing and beeping horns.

kurt had terrible road rage.

he was actually kinda scary.

he beeped, yelled and flipped people off.

"kurt calm down its gonna be ok" i said running his back.

"ik y/n just i can't stand this fuvking assholr behind us. he's completely on my ass" he said.

he clenched his jaw.

once they started to get going again kurt decided to break check him.

"kurt wtf!?l" i said

"it's ok he didn't hit the car." kurt saif looking out his mirror.

the traffic stopped once more.

the man from behind us got out of the car.

kurt was not gonna have this.

"kurt no no no its ok just roll down your window and see what he wants."

i didn't want a fight to start.

kurt rolled down his window and the guy started to yell.

"well maybe if you weren't on my ass this wouldn't have been a problem" kirt sighs

the guy got mad at kurt's calmness and walked off.

"see was that so hard kurt?" i smiled.

"n-no" he says

hours went by.

now we were in some country area in utah.

"couple more hours till we get to salt lake city" he says.

"can't wait to go lay down in bed" i smiled

"neither can i" he says.

we stopped for some food before everything closed

kurt finished quick.

he eats really quick it's kinda weird.

finally after a long ass 10 hour drive

we were at our hotel.

i got out to stretch.

kurt check in for us.

they sent us to our room.

i layed down.

a stuff hotel bed has never felt so comfy.

"sorry if the hotel is uh sketch it was the clostest one and i really needed to lay down" he says.

"that's ok" he says.

i cuddled up to kurt

it was cute the way he turns pinkish when i touch him.

we sat and watched some weird show on the crappy hotel tv.

even tho i really wanted kurt rn.

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